Diabetes melltius healing diet

  • Created by Dr.med. Andres Bircher

For many healthy people, it is difficult to understand the hardships that people with diabetes go through. Youthful lightheartedness is suddenly tainted by a sense of profound gravity: “a completely new and big responsibility towards the self and one’s own health.  Juvenile diabetes or type I diabetes usually appears in childhood or adolescence.  The cause is considered to be an early onset of destruction of the Langerhans cells of the pancreas, which are the only cells of our organism capable of producing the hormone insulin, resulting from the formation of autoantibodies against these cells. Usually, diabetes then ran in the family. In this case, diabetes medication is of no use. A sensible diet and the controlled daily injection of insulin are essential. The situation is different with type II diabetes, formerly termed ‘adult-onset diabetes’”. Today, it already appears in young people, sometimes even in overweight children. A continuously increasing insulin demand and a continuous overload of the insulin producing cells very gradually lead to their exhaustion and destruction. Insulin lowers the blood sugar level by allowing glucose to pass through the cell membranes. The stress hormones adrenalin, cortisol and glucagon raise the blood sugar level. Consequently, everyday restlessness, anxiety, fear and stress are all factors contributing to diabetes.  However, nutrition is still more important. Not all types of sugar require insulin in order to reach the cells as a nutritional substance, as in the case of fruit sugar (fructose). Fructose does not need insulin in order to be metabolised, yet it is absorbed from the intestines much more slowly than glucose and large quantities of it may lead to digestive disorders. Fructose is added as a flavour enhancer to almost all industrially prepared foods.  Since fructose does not need insulin to be metabolised, it does not produce a feeling of satiety. This is one of the reasons for the nowadays almost universal obesity among people who tend to nourish themselves with industrially artificial finished products and fast food items.

It is becoming more and more commonplace to see 10-year-old children weighing 70 kilograms. They suffer tremendously. They are deprived of their lightheartedness and of their youthful wellbeing, and now, at a young age, they are already at risk of developing diabetes and other degenerative diseases associated with older people. Once the diabetes has been diagnosed, our experience shows that it is very important to make a fundamental change in diet. Raw vegetable foods provide ecological nutrition. They require almost no insulin when ingested and do not create a wasteful metabolic overload with sugars, proteins and fats that the human organism cannot deal with in such quantities. Sweet fruit raises the glucose level slightly, so that it must be enjoyed in careful doses; but this is not an issue with raw vegetables. Simple but correctly prepared raw fruit and vegetables, accompanied by peace and a balanced lifestyle, is the most important therapeutic agent for all those who suffer from diabetes. It very quickly leads to a drastic reduction in the need for insulin, which often enables the type II diabetic, in close cooperation with his family doctor, to get rid of insulin injections and to reduce antidiabetic medication. This is the only way to avoid the serious secondary diseases that accompany diabetes. A worthwhile journey.

                                                                                     Andres Bircher, MD

A word of advice:

To be discussed with your family doctor): Following two days of fresh juice fasting, proceed with four days of raw food. On the weekend, some vegetable and potato side dishes with fresh herb quark. From Monday onwards, fresh juice fasting again, then raw fruit and vegetables, then side dishes and so on until you have reached your ideal weight. You will feel better and healthier than ever before.