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Bircher-Benner 1 Manual for patients with multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease and other neurodegenerative diseases

Bircher-Benner manual no. 1 for patients with multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease and other neurodegenerative diseases

Dietary instructions for their prevention and healing, with recipes, detailed advice and treatment plan from a medical centre to state-of-the art healing.

To understand the causes of multiple sclerosis and other neurodegenerative diseases , to the extent to which that they are known today, it is important to have some basic knowledge regarding the construction and function of the central nervous system. In fact, multiple sclerosis may attack and damage the central nervous system anywhere. Therefore its forms are very diverse. Parkinson’s disease has a much more consistent course, since it is always caused by an attack on and degeneration of the nucleus niger , a pigmented core in the corpus striatum , one of the basal ganglia of the brain. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis also follows a typical course, since it almost exclusively affects the motoric nerve pathways that are responsible for muscle strength and action and therefore causes increasing paralysis.

The explanations concerning some of the anatomical and functional situations in the central nervous system help to reveal the causes of these diseases and enable every patient to actively contribute in preventing and healing multiple sclerosis .
This is a very rewarding undertaking.

  • Preface
  • Introduction
  • The structure of the central nervous system
  • The cerebrum
  • The thalamic nucleus
  • The cerebellum
  • The limbic system
  • The hormone-producing glands of the brain
  • The anterior lobe of the hypophysis (adenohypophysis)
  • The posterior pituitary (neurohypophysis)
  • The epiphysis and melatonin
  • The nerve cell (neuron)
  • The potential for action
  • The synapses
  • Messenger substances of the nervous system (neurotransmitters)
  • The importance of the glial cells in the brain
  • The spaces of the brain and the fluid in the brain and spinal cord
  • The blood-brain barrier
  • Transport through the blood-brain barrier
  • The behaviour of the blood-brain barrier in substance transport into
  • and out of the brain
  • The effect of alcohol consumption on the blood-brain barrier
  • The effect of smoking on the blood-brain barrier
  • The effect of electromagnetic radiation on the human brain
  • and the blood-brain barrier
  • The myelin marrow sheaths – a sensitive substance
  • Demyelinating diseases
  • Remyelination
  • Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS)
  • Diseases from storage of degenerative proteins
  • The TAU proteins
  • Amyloidosis
  • The effect of nutrition on the central nervous system
  • Two kinds of food energy
  • The basic regulation system of the soft connective tissue
  • in the central nervous system
  • Oxidative stress at the centre of the causes of neurodegenerative
  • diseases
  • The influence of environmental stress from pollutants as the cause
  • of neurodegenerative diseases
  • The neurotoxic effect of mercury
  • Organic tin compounds and neurodegeneration
  • Chlorine and neurodegenerative diseases
  • The neurotoxic effect of volatile organic hydrocarbons
  • Insecticides and neurodegenerative diseases
  • Wood protection agents and neuro degenerative diseases
  • Neurotoxic medicines and neuro degeneration
  • Legal and prohibited drugs and neurodegenerative diseases
  • Cannabis
  • Amphetamines
  • LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide)
  • Heroin, morphine, other opiates
  • Nicotine
  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine
  • Regarding the phenomenon of primary and secondary effects
  • and the danger of polypragmasia from medication
  • The combined effect of harmful neurotoxic substances
  • Vitamins, trace elements and neurodegenerative disease
  • The various types of neurodegenerative diseases
  • Systematic overview of neuro degenerative diseases
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Causes of multiple sclerosis
  • Genetics
  • The infection hypothesis
  • Vitamin D and MS
  • Mercury exposure and multiple sclerosis
  • Scientific basics for nutritional therapy in multiple sclerosis
  • Progresses of multiple sclerosis
  • The symptoms of multiple sclerosis
  • Diagnosis of multiple sclerosis
  • Medical treatment of multiple sclerosis
  • Order therapy for multiple sclerosis
  • Supporting measures for nursing of the patient, water applications
  • Hydrotherapy for MS patients
  • Emptying the intestine
  • On the general lifestyle with multiple sclerosis
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • The causes of Parkinson’s disease
  • Nutrition and Parkinson’s disease
  • The symptoms of Parkinson’s disease
  • The mental effects of Parkinson’s syndrome
  • Ensuring diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease
  • Atypical Parkinson’s syndrome
  • The treatment of Parkinson’s disease
  • Comprehensive treatment for Parkinson’s disease
  • Dietary treatment of neurodegenerative diseases
  • Lab control recommendations for the attending physician during the diet
  • Practical application of the raw food therapy
  • Menus
  • Menus for various raw food regimes
  • Daily menu
  • The Recipes
  • Juices
  • Bircher muesli
  • Fruit and fresh grain dishes
  • Chilled soups
  • Milk types
  • Raw vegetables and salads
  • Salad dressings
  • Suggestions for dressings to go with the salads and raw vegetables
  • Cooked food
  • Recipes for cooked food
  • Vegetables
  • Salads of cooked vegetables
  • Potato dishes
  • Cereal dishes
  • Sauces
  • Sandwiches
  • Recipes Index
  • Notes
  • Index

Manual for patients with multiple sclarosis, Parkinson’s disease and other neurodegenerative diseases.

This manual is based on the knowledge and decades of experience of a medical centre of state-of-the art healing, the globally renowned Bircher-Benner-Klinik, now
called the Centre for Scientific natural medicine Bircher-Benner. This manual is a great help for patients in that it supports their active contribution to the healing and
prevention of disease. It gives patients insight into the scientific basis and causes of their disease, and provides valuable instructions for dietetics, care and physical applications. The manual explains dietetics in a gradual manner – ready for simple, practical applications – and provides tasty, diverse, tried-and-tested diet recipes from the Bircher-Benner-Klinik. For the doctor, this book is a great time saver and a valuable aid in guiding patients.

Bircher-Benner manual 2 for patients with liver and gallbladder conditions

The latest biophysically scientific insights on life energy, food energy and the effects of fresh raw fruit and vegetable food. Comprehensive instructions for the application and preparation of the vegetable raw-food diet according to Bircher-Benner.

This manual is based on long experience in the treatment of patients who have been healed by Bircher’s order therapy. The earlier editions have been supplemented
with many notes from basic research and the new results of clinical gastroenterological research, and the dietetic section has also been slightly revised without losing the high quality of Bircher’s recipes. The manual gives the patient or person with a weakness of the liver the required knowledge and the indispensable practical instruction to enable him to stop progression of his disease and initiate continuous healing steps. The book can be a valuable aid for the doctor practicing holistic treatment, helping him or her to provide patients with instructions for changing their lifestyles towards the order therapy.

Since its establishment by Max Oscar Bircher-Benner, the order therapy for liver and gall diseases has been researched for more than one hundred years at the Bircher-Benner clinic and in private practices under careful observation of its healing effects. Throughout these years, the many thousands of desperate patients who recovered from their rapidly worsening diseases have been our best teachers. With a strong will to be healed, they successfully followed the instructions of the order therapy and enabled great insights whose confirmation is only now slowly being reflected in general medical research.

In the change to a more healthful lifestyle, nutrition is of primary importance! It leads to regeneration of the large regulation systems, a new opening towards the outer world and oneself that permits the healing forces of the organism, body and soul to begin their work. Let me finally quote a section of Bircher-Benner’s book “Vom warden des neuen Arztes” (The physician of the future): “The wonders of the soul remain closed to those who continually ignore the laws of nutrition. Power and depth of inner experiences depend on nutrition-this is their actual meaning. Taking care of one’s body and nutrition is useless unless a new development and awakening of inner powers results from it” Andres A. Bircher

Table of contents:

  • Preface to the 32nd edition
  • Introduction
  • The structure and function of the liver
  • The enterohepatic cycle as a vicious circle
  • The tasks of the liver
  • Scientific bases of the order therapy for liver-gallbladder disease
  • The problem with small amounts of alcohol
  • The different disease forms of the liver-gallbladder system
  • The general appearance of the failing liver function and first measures
  • Inflammation of the liver (hepatitis)
  • Liver cirrhosis (cirrhotic liver)
  • Liver failure as the final stage of liver cirrhosis
  • Tumour diseases of the liver
  • Diseases of the gallbladder
  • Gallbladder carcinoma
  • Bile-duct stones (choledocholithiasis)
  • Postcholecystectomy syndrome
  • Plant remedies for liver-gall diseases (phytotherapy, spagyrics)
  • Treatment of infections
  • Hydrotherapy
  • Compresses
  • Gushes
  • The baths
  • Washes
  • Compresses and applications
  • Description of some water applications and compresses
  • Homeopathic therapy, miasmatically inherited consequences of diseases and traumas
  • The new scientific acupuncture
  • Neural therapy according to Huneke
  • The healing plan
  • The healing regime
  • Treatment of hepatitis
  • Treatment of liver cirrhosis
  • Treatment of gallbladder inflammation (Cholecystitis)
  • To prevent and avoid relapses
  • The four diet stages
  • Diet Stage 1- The raw-juice regime
  • Diet Stage 2
  • The Stage 3 Diet
  • The Stage 4 Diet
  • Small substitution table for animal products that must be left out in the stage-3 diet
  • The Recipes
  • Juices
  • Healthful Teas
  • Birchermuesli
  • Raw vegetables and Salads
  • Salad dressings
  • Milk Types
  • Butter, plant and vegetable fats and oils- Light cooking and steaming
  • Soups
  • Vegetables
  • Salads of cooked vegetables
  • Potato dishes
  • Cereal Dishes
  • Sauces
  • Sandwiches
  • Desserts
  • List of recipes
  • Bibliography
  • Glossary

This manual is based on the knowledge and decades of experience of a medical centre of state-of-the-art healing, the globally renowned Bircher-Benner-Klinik, now called the Centre for Scientific Natural Medicine Bircher-Benner. This manual is a great help for patients in that it supports their active contribution to the healing and prevention of disease. It gives patients insight into the scientific basis and causes of their disease, and provides valuable instruction for dietetics, care and physical applications. The manual explains dietetics in a gradual manner-ready for simple, practical applications-and provides tasty, diverse, tried-and-tested diet recipes from the Bircher-Benner-Klinik. For the doctor, this book is a great time saver and valuable aid in guiding patients.

About the Autor

Dr. med. Andres Bircher grandson of Maximilian Bircher-Benner.

Medical studies in Zürich and Geneva, ten years practice as a hospital physician in anaesthesiology, intensive care, emergency medicine, surgery, paediatrics, psychosomatics, haematology, geriatrics, psychiatry and psychotherapy, medical specialist(Facharzt) in an administrative position at Zürich university hospitals, teaching analysis with Brian Kenny, chief physician (Chefarzt) of a hospital for internal medicine in Zurich and later in Western Switzerland, medical specialist (Facharzt) in TCM and acupuncturist in Vienna; studies of neural therapy, manual therapy and traditional homeopathy, successful completion of medical specialist (Facharzt) training in balneology, climatology and physical medicine in Germany, scientific work on food energies, dietetics and the effects of regulatory medicine.

Dr. med. Andres Bircher is the medical manager of the Centre for Scientific Natural Medicine Bircher-Benner.

Bircher-Benner manual 4 of fresh juices, raw vegetables and fruit dishes

The latest biophysically scientific insights on life energy, food energy and the effects of fresh raw fruit and vegetable food. Comprehensive instructions for the application and preparation of the vegetable raw-food diet according to Bircher-Benner, CH-8.

Many forms of dieting appear for a while and soon disappear again. The living fresh-vegetable food diet that you will learn about in this manual, in contrast, rests on a solid scientific basis that has only been confirmed and reinforced in the last century.

At the end of the 19th century, Maximilian Bircher-Benner-contrary to his expectations and almost by accident-discovered the high effectiveness of freshly prepared living vegetables in the prevention and treatment of the chronic diseases that are growing more and more frequent and occurring at increasingly younger ages. After several years of clinical research, he found that the living vegetables must contain a very different food energy than the calorific value (calories). He published his first book on nutrition in Berlin as early as in 1905, after recognizing that calories, the measure of fuel energy determined by burning the foods, were insufficient as a basis for understanding food energy. His book received great attention. He explained the amazing healing effect of his diet by the second main principle of thermodynamics, the law of entropy, based on his scientific research over several years. In fact, it is surprising that our modern medical science still uses calories-calorific value- as the only measure for food energy, while the second main principle of thermodynamics has for 150 years been the basis for all energy considerations in all other areas of science. Technology, physics and chemistry.

In the early 20th century, the fear of infection by bacteria ruled the medical world.
The belief that all food ought to be cooked before eating led to new demands for the hygienic preparation of raw vegetables. When heat-labile vitamins and vital substances were discovered, Bircher-Benner’s raw-food diet started on its way to global recognition.

Research into LASER amplification of photons in the genetic material of living cells and into information transmission and storage in the basic substance of the connective tissue confirm Bircher-Benner’s hypothesis of light accumulation in living foods and the enormous importance of photosynthesis for the energy value of foods as ordering and thus healing information.

Further confirmation from basic research came in the papers of Nobel Prize Laureate Ilya Prigogine on the dissipative system of living cells, which showed that the striving of all physical processes for disorder (law of entropy) does not apply to living cells, since the storage of photons from photosynthesis and the enormous rhythmical reinforcement of this light in the cells according to the LASER principle removes them from the thermodynamic balance to the extent that the second main principle of energetic does not apply and the chaos principle turns into an ordering coherence principle.
In fact, all living cells of nature are the only place where small, simple molecules are turned into complex, high-order molecules, processes and structures: where chaos becomes order. This is what makes the raw-food diet so important as the only regime that transfers the ordering principle and effect of living cells to our organic system and thus unfolds its great ordering healing effect.

Furthermore, fresh raw food offers high nutritional economy, in which all nutrients are organically bound at suitable ratios and thus become highly available biologically, and providing with them the enzymes required for assimilation of living substances, as well as high content of polyphenols, carotenes and other antioxidants with their powerful protective effect against degeneration and genetic mutation, and thus against cancer.

Our experience shows that a food content of raw vegetables of at least 70% at the beginning of each meal is necessary to maintain health.

The pure raw-food diet, when administered by a qualified professional, is the ideal healing regime to prevent and heal any degenerative disease of the kind called “civilisation diseases”, which have spread continuously in our time. It is a path that will pay off.

  • Two Kinds of Food Energy
  • The New Order of Foods according to their Qualitative Nutritional Value
  • The Basic System of Soft Connective Tissue, the Origin of Chronic Diseases
  • The Experiment at the Royal Free Hospital, London
  • A Few Additional Examples of Scientific Studies on the Effect of the Raw
  • Vegetable Food Therapy
  • Secondary Plant Substances, Medical Effect of Vegetable Foods
  • On Raw-Food Therapy to Prevent and Fight Cancer
  • On Dietetic Raw-Food Therapy for Degenerative Complaints (Antioxidation)
  • On Raw-Food Therapy for Danger of Thrombosis and Embolism
  • Special Features of Raw Food Therapy for Hypertension
  • Special Features of Raw-Food Therapy for Reduction of Cholesterol Levels
  • On raw food therapy for diabetes mellitus
  • On raw food therapy for infectious diseases (antimicrobial effect)
  • On raw-food therapy for a weak immune system and susceptibility to infection.
  • The Indication for the Fresh-Vegetable Diet (Raw-Food Diet)
  • The Fresh Raw Fruit and Vegetable Diet
  • Stage-1 Diet
  • Stage-2 Diet
  • Forms of the Fresh-Vegetable Diet
  • Reactions to the Change to the Fresh-Vegetable Diet and Their Treatment
  • Additional General Recommendations for the Fresh Vegetable and Juice Diet
  • The New Balance
  • The Rejuvenating Effect of Fresh Raw Vegetable Food
  • The Right Starting Dose
  • The Subject of “Raw-Food Intolerance”
  • Recommendations for lab examinations for the attending physician
  • Preparation and Cleaning of Raw Vegetables
  • Composition of Raw Vegetables
  • Adjustment to Taste and Chewing Ability
  • Cleaning of Raw Vegetables
  • From the Bircher Grater to the Electric Blender
  • Menu
  • Menu Combinations for Different types of Raw Vegetable Diets
  • The Recipes
  • Birchermuesli
  • Fruit-an-Fresh-Grain Dishes
  • Fruit Dishes
  • Juices
  • Milk Types
  • Dressings for Raw Vegetables
  • Salads
  • Healthful Teas
  • List of recipes
  • Bibliography

Manual of fresh juices, raw vegetables and fruit dishes.

This handbook is based on the decades of knowledge and experience of the world-famous Bircher-Benner Clinic, today’s Medical Centre Bircher-Benner, a cutting-edge medical healing center. This book is a huge help for you as a patient to assist you on the road to recovery and to prevent illness. It enables you to understand the scientific basics and causes of your illness and gives valuable direction on nutrition, nursing and physical treatments. The book explains nutrition in interconnected levels, is ready to use practically and is supplemented by a wide variety of tested good-tasting nutritional recipes by the Bircher-Benner Clinic. For physicians, this book is a great time-saver and a valuable aid in guiding their patients.

Bircher-Benner manual 7 for diabetics

Bircher-Benner manual 7 for diabetics

This manual is based on the knowledge and decades of experience of a medical centre of state-of-the-art healing, the globally renowned Bircher-Benner-Klinik, now called the Centre for Scientific Natural Medicine Bircher-Benner.

This book is based on vast experience in the treatment of people suffering from diabetes mellitus. Since Dr. med. Maximilian Bircher-Benner discovered the immense healing effect of a strict plant-based fresh-food diet and an orderly lifestyle, the Bircher-Benner Klinik, today called the Bircher-Benner Medical Centre, has healed thousands of people suffering from type 2 diabetes and whose lives were threatened by the numerous secondary diseases and complications. In its typical commercial activity, the pharmaceutical industry is providing us with medicines and sophisticated injection devices for self-injection of insulin produced by genetic engineering. These usually permit partial control of the blood sugar level. However, it is clear from the enormous increase in frequency and prevalence of this disease since the end of World War II that diabetes treatment according to the current paradigm of medical science neither heals nor prevents the disease. The causes of diabetes mellitus and the effects of a “modern” lifestyle and nutrition on the metabolism and the matrix of the soft connective tissue have been thoroughly researched, yet they are barely considered in “modern” diabetes treatment. Medical treatment does not tackle the source. It only fights the symptom: “sugar level”. Therefore, the disease turns chronic, appears earlier in life and occurs more frequently. The costs for treatment of diabetes and its consequences comprise 20% of the total “healthcare costs” in industrialised countries today. Diabetes has become widespread in all areas of western civilisation. It is also referred to as an “epidemic of the 20th century”.

In 1980, 153 million people were suffering from diabetes mellitus. In 2013, the number had grown to 382 million, or 8.3% of the world population. Prognostic estimates have to be continually revised upwards. Only one-third of this increase can be explained by an ageing population, which itself is not due to improved health but mostly to reduced death rates in infancy and to better accident prevention. Only a small contribution is made by life-saving surgeries and medicines. Severe secondary diseases can be delayed slightly by the pharmacological treatment of diabetes mellitus that is common today. Nevertheless, the disease continually progresses until severe consequences occur. This forces us to recognise that the “modern” diabetology has at least partially failed in its task of preventing and healing this disease.

The generally widespread inappropriate diet attacks the fine structures of the soft connective tissue, and the fine capillaries integrated in it, with metabolic slags [translator’s note: “slags” are acids and toxins neutralised by minerals and trace elements, and deposited in the body] and inflammation of the intercellular substance. The molecular transport paths are blocked, and the insulin slowly loses its effect on the receptors in the cell membranes. The cells become resistant to insulin while insulin production increases. The islet cells of the pancreas can compensate for this for a long time, until they become exhausted and die. The fine structures of the cells and intercellular spaces and the vascular walls are slowly destroyed. The intercellular substance of the liver fills up with metabolic slags as well. Cholesterol is no longer able to reach the liver cells easily. They incorrectly measure low cholesterol values and increase cholesterol production. The interference with the sugar metabolism leads to high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis. Heart attacks and strokes threaten, as does death of limbs due to occlusions of the arteries in the legs. The fine structures in the eyes are also attacked, eventually leading to blindness from glaucoma, retinopathy and macular degeneration. The fine structures of the nerve sheaths are also affected, causing sensitivity issues and paralysis (diabetic neuropathy). Storage of degenerative proteins (amyloids) causes the capillary loops of the kidneys to thicken until they fail (diabetic nephropathy). Vascular occlusions and depositing of degenerative proteins (amyloids) in the intercellular substance of the brain puts patients with diabetes in danger of developing dementia and Alzheimer's disease early on.

Diabetes is not a single separate disease. It is part of the entire degenerative process of civilisation diseases. Only very rarely does it develop as part of a disease that cannot be healed. Diabetes mellitus, by far the most common type 2, is usually the consequence of a nutrition and lifestyle at odds with the natural condition of our biological system. Starting dietary treatment early enough can reliably prevent and heal diabetes mellitus of the much more common type 2, even where there is a genetic predisposition.

Bircher-Benner's findings have been continually supplemented and reviewed by scientific examinations. They are continually confirmed, in particular very recently.

This book explains carefully and yet comprehensibly the causes and nature of diabetes. It provides the reader with all knowledge needed to let him actively contribute to healing. True healing is not possible without a basic deepening of knowledge about the sense of life, the meaning of diseases, the orders of life, and the relationship to work, society, the self and the people with whom we share our lives. The beginning of this path is the great question of responsibility towards others and oneself. It is a path that will be worth taking, and will be the basis of the path to healing diabetes mellitus. For the treating physician, this book is a great time saver and a valuable aid in guiding and supporting his patients.

Dr. med. Andres Bircher

  • Preface    7
  • The nature of diabetes (diabetes mellitus)    9
  • The warning signs for diabetes mellitus    9
  • The blood glucose level    9
  • The standard value of the blood glucose level    10
  • Measuring the blood glucose level    11
  • The glucose tolerance test (oGTT)    11
  • Regulation of the blood glucose level    12
  • Correction of an excessive glucose level in the blood    13
  • Glucose utilisation in the mitochondria of the cells    13
  • Correction of insufficient blood sugar levels    14
  • The effect of stress on the blood glucose level    14
  • Sugar excretion in urine    14
  • Excretion of ketone bodies in the urine    15
  • Different types of diabetes mellitus    16
  • Type 1 diabetes mellitus    17
  • The causes of type 1 diabetes    17
  • The processes in type 1 diabetes    19
  • The clinical symptoms of type 1 diabetes    19
  • Type 2 diabetes mellitus    21
  • Generally accepted partial causes of type 2 diabetes    21
  • Genetic risk factors for type 2 diabetes    21
  • Other partial causes due to lifestyle    22
  • Illness, wound healing, physical stress and lack of movement    22
  • Sugar metabolism and arteriosclerosis    22
  • Glycaemic index and glycaemic charge    24
  • The Glycaemic Index (GI)    24
  • The glycaemic load (GL)    24
  • Secondary diseases of diabetes mellitus    25
  • The physical damage from sugar    25
  • Exogenous glycation    25
  • Endogenous glycation    26
  • Endothelial dysfunction and arteriosclerosis    27
  • Late consequences of diabetes mellitus in the cardiovascular system    29
  • High blood pressure and diabetes    29
  • Diabetes and arteriosclerosis    29
  • Diabetic foot syndrome    29
  • Oxidative stress at the centre of the causes of neurodegenerative diseases and dementia    31
  • Diabetic polyneuropathy    33
  • Diabetic retinopathy    34
  • Diabetic maculopathy    35
  • Conventional treatment of retinopathy    35
  • Surgical treatment of diabetic retinopathy    35
  • Diabetic nephropathy    36
  • Generally accepted risk factors for diabetic nephropathy    37
  • The stages of diabetic nephropathy (according to Mogensen)    37
  • Gestational diabetes    39
  • The following risk factors are generally recognised    39
  • Pregnancy with diabetic nephropathy    40
  • Medical treatment of diabetes mellitus    41
  • Insulin therapy    41
  • Types of insulin    41
  • Methods of insulin injection    43
  • Forms of insulin therapy    43
  • Therapy protocol    44
  • Insulin therapy at shift work or irregular daily rhythm    44
  • Inexplicable blood sugar fluctuations    45
  • Insulin therapy for type 2 diabetes    45
  • Basal supported oral therapy (BOT)    45
  • Treatment with the insulin pump    45
  • The basis-bolus principle    46
  • The insulin pump with hybrid closed loop system    46
  • Adjusting the insulin pump    46
  • Sensor-supported pump therapy (SuP)    47
  • Treatment of Diabetes type 1 and generally accepted treatment targets    48
  • Treatment of type 2 diabetes    49
  • Quitting smoking as part of the basic treatment for diabetes mellitus    49
  • Diabetes and alcohol    50
  • Coffee and diabetes mellitus    50
  • Treatment of type 2 diabetes according to the guidelines of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Diabetes    52
  • Tables for ideal weight    54
  • The ideal weight of adult men    54
  • The ideal weight of adult women    55
  • The problem of food energy    56
  • Diabetes medicines (antidiabetics), effect and side effects    57
  • Non-insulinotropic antidiabetics    57
  • Insulinotropic antidiabetics    58
  • On insulin therapy in type 2 diabetes    58
  • Hypoglycaemia    58
  • Treatment of hypoglycaemia    59
  • Order therapy for diabetes mellitus    60
  • Two kinds of food energy    60
  • The basic regulation system of the soft connective tissue    61
  • The meaning of food economy    61
  • The integral law of nutrition    63
  • Vibrancy of food    63
  • Secondary plant substances (phytochemicals) with an antidiabetic effect    63
  • The mineral metabolism in diabetes mellitus    64
  • Medicinal herbs for treating diabetes    64
  • The meaning of movement    65
  • General directives for order therapy for diabetes    66
  • Regarding the diet    66
  • Quantity of food    68
  • Principles of the Bircher-Benner diet and order therapy for diabetics    68
  • Life order and body training    70
  • Hygiene    70
  • Water applications, stimulation of the circulation, air, light and sun    71
  • Psychological support    71
  • Eleven basic rules    73
  • General information    75
  • General information    75
  • Bread units and their calculation    75
  • The carbohydrate unit    76
  • Sugar in the diet    76
  • Recipe section    77
  • Recipes for fresh plant-based foods (raw food)    77
  • The Bircher muesli    77
  • Raw vegetables and salads    79
  • Dressings for raw vegetables and salads    81
  • Sauerkraut    83
  • Fresh cereals    83
  • Fresh juices    84
  • Plant milk types    85
  • Hot food    87
  • Butter, health-food store vegetable fats and oils    87
  • Soups    88
  • Soup add-ins    89
  • Vegetables    96
  • Salads of cooked vegetables    112
  • Sandwiches    115
  • Potato dishes    116
  • Cereal Dishes    121
  • Rice dishes    121
  • Other cereal dishes    124
  • Sauces    128
  • Desserts    131
  • Teas    136
  • Annex and tables for the diabetes diet    137
  • Fresh juice day    137
  • MENUS by season    138
  • Note on menu design    138
  • Winter menus    138
  • Spring menus    140
  • Summer menus    142
  • Autumn menus    143
  • Calculated daily menus for the diabetes diet (1200–2100 K)    144
  • Table of glycaemic index and glycaemic charge    155
  • List of recipes    159
  • Literature    159

This manual is based on the knowledge and decades of experience of a medical centre of state-of-the-art healing, the globally renowned Bircher-Benner-Klinik, now called the Centre for Scientific Natural Medicine Bircher-Benner. This manual is a great help for patients in that it supports their active contribution to the healing and prevention of disease. It gives patients insight into the scientific basis and causes of their disease, and provides valuable instruction for dietetics, care and physical applications. The manual explains dietetics in a gradual manner-ready for simple, practical applications-and provides tasty, diverse, tried-and-tested diet recipes from the Bircher-Benner-Klinik. For the doctor, this book is a great time saver and valuable aid in guiding patients.

Dr. med. Andres Bircher grandson of Maximilian Bircher-Benner.

Medical studies in Zürich and Geneva, ten years practice as a hospital physician in anaesthesiology, intensive care, emergency medicine, surgery, paediatrics, psychosomatics, haematology, geriatrics, psychiatry and psychotherapy, medical specialist(Facharzt) in an administrative position at Zürich university hospitals, teaching analysis with Brian Kenny, chief physician (Chefarzt) of a hospital for internal medicine in Zurich and later in Western Switzerland, medical specialist (Facharzt) in TCM and acupuncturist in Vienna; studies of neural therapy, manual therapy and traditional homeopathy, successful completion of medical specialist (Facharzt) training in balneology, climatology and physical medicine in Germany, scientific work on food energies, dietetics and the effects of regulatory medicine.

Dr. med. Andres Bircher is the medical manager of the Centre for Scientific Natural Medicine Bircher-Benner.

Bircher-Benner manual 9 enjoy food without Table Salt

Bircher-Benner manual 9 enjoy food without table salt

Cooking with little or no salt so that eating is a pleasure is a high art that was developed in the world-known Bircher-Benner Clinic

Table salt has always been one of the most popular stimulants. In the CelticGermanic region, the production of sea salt was on a large scale as early as the Bronze Age1. The Sumerians preserved their food with salt. Pliny the Elder and Lucius Columella estimated that daily salt consumption in ancient Rome corresponded to 25 g/person. Through the 19th century, table salt was used mainly as a preservative for meat, cabbage and beans2. Yet few people are aware of the damage caused by excessive amounts of table salt. In the 1970s, high salt consumption was recognised as a major cause of hypertension, and consequently a significant source of cardiovascular disease. The Food and Drug Administration has estimated consumption of table salt in the US at 8.4 g/person, which corresponds to about 2¼ teaspoons per day. US authorities have issued guidelines to reduce table salt in all convenience foods, as they account for 75% of salt consumption. They estimate that a 40% reduction could save 500,000 lives in the course of the next decade. The daily human salt demand depends on the climate and season. Today it is estimated to be in the range of 1.8–6.4 g per day. The World Health Organisation currently recommends 5 g per day, or about 1.2 level teaspoons. Many people underestimate their salt consumption, as three-quarters of it comes from convenience foods and only about one-quarter from salting. Cured convenience foods such as fish, meat and sausage products are popular. Pickling salt is table salt with the addition of 0.4–0.5% sodium nitrite. Nitrite combines the radical nitric oxide (NO) with myoglobin into heat-stable nitroso-myoglobin, which gives cured meat a more appetising, stable red colour. As a result, all products cured with nitrite are carcinogenic. There is also the sodium content from sodium fluoride. Since 2006, sodium fluoride has been added to table salt throughout the EU to prevent tooth decay. Eighty percent of the population uses sodium fluoride. The addition of spices and other flavourings, such as glutamate, leads to the extensive range of seasoning salts. Spices are supposed to flavour the salt, while salt has a stabilising effect on the spices. The processes that lead to hypertension are complex. Some influences are genetic and environmental, though it is not clear why people are not equally sensitive to high levels of table salt. In about 70% of the population, even a relatively small overdose of table salt causes hypertension (“salt-sensitive hypertension”). Others have a higher toleration for table salt, even storing excessive salt in their body tissues. However, high salt concentrations also have pathogenic effects on the vascular system, independent of blood pressure in people in whom the high salt concentrations do not immediately produce hypertension. An excessive amount of table salt damages the inner layer of the blood vessels and the endothelium, and also causes arteriosclerosis. The concealed consumption of salt in industrial convenience products and fast food has increased drastically. At the same time, we see a massive increase in hypertension. Thirty percent of the world’s population suffers from hypertension today. More than half of all adults over the age of 19 in industrialised countries suffer from hypertension and take antihypertensive medication. Given such statistics, the “average adult” has hypertension. It is no longer “the norm” not to have hypertension and not to have to take antihypertensive medication. Table salt is not the only thing that causes hypertension. The high consumption of white flour products and sugar also damages the inner layer of the vessels through direct chemical reaction of the sugars with the endothelium. This innermost layer regulates the anatomical structure and muscle tension throughout the vascular wall. The damage caused by this excess of table salt and sugar destroys the endothelium’s ability to regulate the muscle tension of the blood vessels and their structure and fibre content. This is referred to as endothelial dysfunction. The vessels narrow and can no longer be widened when blood flow increases, initially increasing blood pressure at exertion or excitement (labile hypertension). Then the vessel walls harden due to the storage of hard connective tissue (collagen). This causes constantly elevated blood pressure, even during relaxation and sleep (fixed hypertension). Metabolic waste products then become increasingly deposited in the intercellular substance (matrix) of the vessel walls. This leads to inflammation and thickening the vessel walls into arteriosclerotic plaques, until they begin to store cholesterol and calcium. High consumption of salt, white flour and sugar thereby produces arteriosclerosis at a young age. Angina pectoris and myocardial infarction develop if this occurs in the coronary arteries; in the carotid arteries that supply the brain, it leads to cerebral apoplexy. In arteries of the legs, intermittent claudication (claudication intermittens) leads to cramps and pain when walking, since the leg arteries are narrowed by arteriosclerosis and can no longer supply the blood and oxygen needed. High consumption of salt, white flour and sugar will damage the fine vessels of the kidneys and the eyes, and prevents the aqueous humour of the eyes from draining through the fine structures in the corner of the eye, which in turn increases pressure in the eyes. This leads to glaucoma, blindness due to glaucoma, and macular degeneration. All of these tragic diseases seem to be a tragic fate. In fact, they have nothing to do with “fate”, since they can be reliably prevented by following a diet of living vegetarian whole foods with a high proportion of raw vegetables seasoned with fresh herbs, while avoiding all irritants such as excessive amounts of table salt, sugar, coffee and alcohol. While these diseases cannot be prevented by any drug, they can be prevented by a diet and lifestyle that meet our biological needs. A low-salt diet is necessary if hypertension has already developed or if cardiovascular disease has progressed. The recipes given in this book were developed in the famous Bircher-Benner Clinic. Creating low-salt and salt-free recipes that are not bland but delicious is a fine art. This manual is based on vast experience in the treatment of people suffering from nutrition-related diseases. Since Dr. med. Maximilian Bircher-Benner discovered the immense healing effect of a strict, fresh, plant-based diet and an orderly lifestyle more than a century ago, the Bircher-Benner Clinic, today called the Bircher-Benner Medical Centre, has healed thousands of people suffering from the “diseases of civilisation” that today are spreading massively. This manual describes one of the building blocks for therapy that does not merely suppress symptoms, but tackles the root causes of disease in order to cure it. The recipes can be used in practice. For the physician, this book is a great time saver in counselling patients.

Braunwald, February 2022
Dr. med. Andres Bircher

  • Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ……………………5
  • Blood Pressure Regulation in the Kidney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …………8
  • The Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System of Blood Pressure Regulation . . .8
  • Salt-Sensitive Hypertension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …………….10
  • Osmotic Storage of Salt in Tissues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ……………..10
  • Effect of Salt Storage on Blood Vessels and Blood Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . ….10
  • Effect of a Low-Salt Diet on Blood Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …………... 11
  • Epigenetic Inheritance of Salt Sensitivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …………..11
  • Effect of Table Salt Storage on the Blood Vessels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ……...11
  • Effects of Salinisation and Saccharisation (Glycation) of the Inner Layer
  • of the Blood Vessels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …………………..12
  • Oxidative Stress at the Centre of the Causes of Degenerative Diseases
  • and Dementia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ………………...14
  • The Problem of Food Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …………….. 17
  • Order Therapy for Hypertension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …………….18
  • Photon Storage in Living Tissues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ………………18
  • The Basic Regulation System of the Soft Connective Tissue . . . . . . . . . . . …..19
  • The Meaning of Food Economy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …………….20
  • The Integral Law of Nutrition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ………………..22
  • Vibrancy of Food . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …………………...22
  • Principles of the Bircher-Benner Diet and Order Therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ….23
  • Order of Life and Physical Exercise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ………….25
  • Menus for the Low-Salt Diet, for Patients with Hypertension and
  • Heart Problems…………………………………………………………………………. .26
  • Menu for 1 Week of Salt-free Diet (Milder Form) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ………...27
  • 4 5
  • Recipes for Salt-free and Low-salt Food . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ………...29
  • Juices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ………………………..29
  • Gruel Added to Juices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ………………….30
  • Bircher Muesli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ……………………….30
  • Raw Vegetables and Salads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ………………32
  • Salad Dressings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ……………………..33
  • Suggestions for Dressings to go with Salads and Raw Vegetables . . . . . . . . ..36
  • Milk Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ………………………..37
  • Butter, Vegetable Fats and Oils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ……………….38
  • Gentle Cooking and Steaming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ………………39
  • Soups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ………………………….39
  • Soup Additions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ………………………40
  • Vegetables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ………………………43
  • Salads of Cooked Vegetables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ……………….50
  • Potato Dishes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ……………………….51
  • Grain Dishes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ………………………...54
  • Sauces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …………………………58
  • Sandwiches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ………………………..61
  • Desserts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ………………………….62
  • Healthy Teas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ……………………….67
  • Table Regarding Glycaemic Index and Glycaemic Charge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69
  • List of Recipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ……………………73
  • Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ……………………….77
  • Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ……………………….80

Cooking with little or no salt so that eating is a pleasure is a high art that was developed in the world-known Bircher-Benner Clinic, a centre for the most modern arts of healing. This diet is very important for all people with high blood pressure or kidney diseases. In this book you will find the cause and nature of salt-sensitive hypertension explained in detail. It contains well elaborated diet plans and many tasty recipes, ready for practical use: a must for anyone suffering from high blood pressure or a kidney disease. This manual supplements the Bircher-Benner manual no. 19 for patients with high blood pressure, heart diseases and arteriosclerosis and the manual no. 12 for patients with kidney- and bladder diseases.


Bircher-Benner manual 10 for patients with rheumatism and arthritis

Manual for patients with rheumatism and arthritis.

This manual is based on the abundant experience of patients who have been healed by Birchers's order therapy, the earlier editions have also been supplemented by much valuable information from basic research and by clinical results of from rheumatology research. The dietetic section has also been slightly revised without losing the high quality of Birchers's recipe art. The manual gives the patient or person with a weakness the required knowledge and the indispensable practical instructions to enable him to stop the progression of his disease and initiate continous healing steps.
The book can be a valuable aid for the doctor practicing holistic treatment, helping him or her to provide patients with instructions for changing their lifestyles towards the order therapy.
Since its establishment by Max Oscar Bircher-Benner, the order therapy for rheumatic diseases has been researched for more than one hundres years at the Bircher-Benner clinic and in privat e practices under careful observation of its healing effects. Throught these years, the many thousands of desperate patients who recovered from their steadily worsening diseases habe been our best teachers. With a strong will to be healed, they successful followed the inabled great insights whose confirmation is only now sloly being reflected in general medical research.
In the change to a more healthful lifestyle nutrition is of primary importance! It leads to regeneration of the large regulation systems, a new opening towards the outer world and oneself that permits the healing forces of the organism, body and soul to begin their work. Let me finally quote a section of Bircher-Benner's book Vom werden des neuen Arztes (The Physician of the Future): The wonders of the soul remain closed to those who continually ignore the laws of nutrition. Strength and depth of inner experiences depend on nutriton-this is its real significance. Taking care of one's body and nutrition is pointless unless a new development and the awakening of inner forces are the result."

Dr. med. Andres A. Bircher

  • Preface of the 24 th edition
  • Introduction
  • What is rheumatism?
  • A disease of the soft connective tissue (mesenchyme) is the origin of rheumatism
  • The biochemical structure of soft connective tissue
  • The connection of the soft connective tissue to the hormonal system and the autonomie nervous system
  • The Experiment at Royal Free Hospital in London and the Remarkable Healing Effect of Bircher's Raw Food Treatment
  • The patient with chronic secondary polyarthritis
  • Limits of healing
  • The Scientific Basis of the Order Therapy for Rheumatic Diseases
  • The Rheumatic Diseases
  • Chronic Polyarthritis (CP or PCP)
  • Spondylarhtritis ankylosans (Bechterew's disease)
  • Psoriatic arthritis
  • Juvenile chronic arthritis (JCA)
  • Collagenosis or connectivitis
  • Polymyalgia rheumatica
  • Gout
  • Soft-tissue rheumatism
  • Infectious arthritises
  • Arthrosis
  • Treatment of Rheumatic Diseases
  • The order of foods, meals and lifestyle
  • Removal of infection foci and heavy-metal burden
  • Physiotherapy
  • Movement therapy
  • Hydrotherapy
  • The cabbage compress
  • Healing earth
  • Hay flowers
  • Fango
  • Neck gush according to Kneipp
  • Lumbar gush according to Kneipp
  • Steam compress according to Kneipp
  • Plan medicines for rheumatism
  • Treatment of infections
  • Homeopathic therapy
  • The new scientific acupuncture
  • Manual therapy, chiropractic and osteopathy
  • Neural Therapy accoring to Huneke
  • Medication
  • Surgical treatment
  • The healing plan
  • The healing regime
  • The four diet stages
  • Stage-1-diet
  • Stage-2-diet
  • Stage-3-diet
  • Brief substitution table for animal products that must
  • be left out in the stage-3 diet.
  • Stage-4 diet
  • The Recipes, including some traditional Swiss favourites
  • Juives
  • Birchermüesli
  • Raw vegetables and salads
  • Salad dressings
  • Suggestions for dressings and herbal additions to varous salads
  • Variations of mixed salad
  • Milk Types
  • Butter, vegetable fats and oils
  • Light cooking and steaming
  • Soups
  • Vegetables
  • Salads of cooked vegetables
  • Potato dishes
  • Grain Dishes
  • Sauces
  • Sandwiches
  • Sweet dishes
  • Healthful Teas
  • List of recipes
  • Bibliography
  • Index

Manual for patients with rheumatism and Arthritis

This handbook is based on the knowledge and experience acquired over decades at the world-famous Bircher-Benner Clinic, today's Bircher-Benner Medical Centre, a cutting-edge medical healing centre. It is aimed at giving you, as a patient, all the information necessary to help you on the path to recovery and to prevent a recurrence of your illness. This book will also enable you to understand its causes on a scientific basis and gives useful practical advice on nutrition, nursing and any physical therapy needes. In addition, it provides precise details of the therapy needed. In addition, it provides precise details of the nutritional requirements at various interconnected stages of the treatment and is supplemented by a variety of inviting, satisfying menus, tried and tested at the original Bircher-Benner Clinic. For physicians, the book comes as as a welcome time-saver and is a valuable aid for them in guiding their patients during treatment.

Bircher-Benner 14 Manual for patients with gastrointestinal conditions

Bircher-Benner manual 14 for patients with gastrointestinal conditions

Dietary instructions for days of health and illness, with recipes, detailed advice and a sophisticated treatment plan from a medical centre for state-of-the-art healing

We need the stomach and intestine not only for ingesting food and drink, but also to form a comprehensive, well developed, graduated pre-mechanism of our organism in its self-defence against the environmental influences that would make it ill. The entire digestive tract houses an inner external world that penetrates our body and exposes it to any number of mechanical, chemical and microbial stimuli and influences against which it must isolate and defend itself. The structure-comprising the cellular and biochemical functions of the gastrointestinal tract- is ingenuously designed to meet the requirements of continuous differentiation between what is foreign and its own, between the useful (vital) and harmful (destructive) input penetrating it. The digestive tract is a masterpiece of nature. The symbiosis (i.e. interaction) of our intestine with theapprox.20 trillion germs of our intestinal flora, a complex ecosystem without which we could not survive, has developed over the course of millions of years. As long as our digestive system is in good condition and functional, we are protected from any adverse effects due to defects and errors in our nutrition. However, if the stomach and intestine become weakened or ill, they can cause general sickliness, since the entire biological system will slowly lose its complex, dynamic balance. Therefore the persons suffering from gastrointestinal problems must be extremely careful in their choice of nutrition. They must recover the health of their intestinal milieu as quickly as possible, if they are to avoid suffering from general degenerative diseases in subsequent years. An energetically and materially healthful nutrition, as well as a healthy biochemical and microbial milieu in the digestive tract, are what the entire complex system of our metabolism depends on. Likewise, the maintenance of our basic regulation, and the entire energy and information flow in the biological system of our bodies. The quality of our food determines our fate: regeneration or degeneration, illness or health.
This series of manuals explains how to prevent and heal the chronic diseases that occur with increasing frequency (and increasingly early) in life. Practical aids include preventive and healing dietary instructions, as well as measures, which support and control the self-healing efforts of our organism. Explanations and instructions are based on scientific insights which are still in evidence. Our dietary instructions have been refined through decades of experience. They prove to be extremely efficient. Here we show clearly and in an easily comprehensible manner how to proceed to heal gastrointestinal diseases in practice. Whatever the problem, we would nevertheless recommend close cooperation with your attending physician, for whom this book will be a great help in treating his or her patients

  • Preface
  • Structure of the Digestive Tract
  • The Mouth
  • The Oesophagus
  • The Stomach
  • The Duodenum
  • The Pancreas
  • The Jejunum
  • The Ileum
  • The Enterohepatic Circulation
  • The Colon
  • The Immune System of the Intestine
  • The Intestinal Flora
  • Regulation of the Digestive System
  • Hormonal Regulation of Digestion
  • Diseases of the Oesophagus
  • Swallowing Problems
  • Reflux and Diaphragmatic Hernia
  • Barrett Oesophagus (endobrachyoesophagus)
  • Therapy of Reflux and Barrett Syndrom
  • Cancer of the Oesophagus (Oesophageal Carcinoma)
  • Diseases of the Stomach
  • Gastritis
  • The Over-Acidic Stomach (Chronic Gastritis)
  • The Acid-Deficient, Slack Stomach
  • Colonisation of the Stomach by Helicobacter Pylori
  • Stomach Cancer
  • Diseases of the Pancreas
  • Acute Pancreatitis
  • Chronic Pancreatitis
  • Pancreatic Cancer (Pancreatic Carcinoma)
  • Failure of the Pancreas (Pancreas Insufficiency)
  • Diseases of the Intestine
  • Duodenal Ulcer (Ulcus duodeni)
  • Intestinal Catarrh (Enteritis, Colitis, Fermentation, Rot)
  • Constipation and Diarrhoea
  • Intestinal Putrefaction and Fermentation, Bacterial Miscolonization
  • Miscolonization of the Small Intestine
  • Intestinal Putrefaction
  • Therapy of Bacterial Miscolonization
  • Appendicitis
  • Meteorism
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Coeliac Disease (Hert’s Disease)
  • Lactose Intolerance
  • Fructose Intolerance
  • Histamine Intolerance
  • The Problem of Food Allergy
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Colitis Ulcerosa
  • Diverticular Disease (Diverticulosis)
  • Cancer of the Large Intestine (Colon Carcinoma)
  • The Effect of Food on the Digestive Tract
  • Two types of food energy
  • General Guidelines for Treatment of Intestinal Diseases
  • The Raw Apple Diet (Especially in Case of Diarrhoea)
  • The Raw Food Diet
  • The Sour Milk Diet
  • Notes on Choice of Foods
  • Diet Types
  • Diet 1 Tea Fasting
  • Diet 2 Juices
  • A. For Acute Diarrhoea
  • B. For Overly Acidic Stomach, Ulcers
  • C. For Acid-Deficient Stomach
  • Diet 3 Pureed Food (Mash)
  • Diet 4 Bland Healing Diet
  • Diet 5 Protective Healing Diet
  • Permanent Diet for Frequent Constipation
  • The Recipes
  • Juices
  • Healthful Teas
  • Muesli (Birchermüesli)
  • Raw vegetables and salads
  • Salad dressings
  • Suggestions for dressings to go with the salads and raw vegetables
  • Milk Types
  • Butter, vegetable fats and oils- gentle cooking and steaming/sauténing
  • Gentle cooking and steaming/sautéing
  • Soups
  • Vegetables
  • Salads of cooked vegetables
  • Potato Dishes
  • Cereal Dishes
  • Sauces
  • Sandwiches
  • Desserts
  • Suggestion for menus Sorted according to Different Consistancy Types
  • Summary of the Foods for the Healing Diet for Digestive Problems
  • Indications for General Applications for Gastrointestinal Disease
  • Baths
  • Kuhne’s friction hip bath
  • Alternating foot bath
  • Cold half-Bath (according to Winternitz, Kuhne, Kneipp)
  • Washes
  • Cold abdominal wash
  • Full wash
  • Body wash
  • Lower abdominal wash
  • Cold gushes (Kneipp, Winternitz)
  • Thigh gush
  • The abdominal gush according to Winternitz
  • Compresses
  • Kuhne and Priessnitz body compresses
  • Compresses and applications
  • Kneipp steam compress
  • Massages
  • Belly massage (Winternitz method)
  • Diet Table for Patients with Gastrointestinal Diseases
  • List of Recipes
  • Notes
  • Index

This manual is based on the knowledge and decades of experience of a medical centre of state-of-the-art healing, the globally renowned Bircher-Benner-Klinik, now called the Centre for Scientific Natural Medicine Bircher-Benner. This manual is a great help for patients in that it supports their active contribution to the healing and prevention of disease. It gives patients insight into the scientific basis and causes of their disease, and provides valuable instruction for dietetics, care and physical applications. The manual explains dietetics in a gradual manner-ready for simple, practical applications-and provides tasty, diverse, tried-and-tested diet recipes from the Bircher-Benner-Klinik. For the doctor, this book is a great time saver and valuable aid in guiding patients.

Bircher-Benner 18 Manual for headache and migraine

Bircher-Benner manual 18 for headache and migraine

Many Headaches, Many Causes

In general, patients do not know that migraines are completely curable if their causes are consistently addressed. This manual is based on the knowledge and decades of experience from a medical centre of the most modern healing arts, the world-famous Bircher-Benner Clinic, today called Bircher-Benner Medical Centre. This Manual is of great help for patients in that it explains the latest scientific findings on headaches and migraines and the path to healing by knowing and addressing the causes. It is a great help for patients in that it supports their active contribution to the healing and prevention of disease. It gives patients insight into the scientific basis and causes of their disease, and provides valuable instructions for dietetics, care and physical applications. The manual explains dietetics in gradual manner – ready for simple, practical applications – and provides tasty, diverse, tried and tested diet recipes from the Bircher-Benner Clinic. For the doctor, this book is a great time saver and a valuable aid in guiding his patients

  • Two Headache Patients. 20
  • First Example. 20
  • Second Example. 21
  • Summary of the various Types of Headache. 23
  • Cluster Headache. 24
  • The Epidemiology of Cluster Headaches. 26
  • Causes of Cluster Headaches. 26
  • Diagnosis of Cluster Headaches. 27
  • Triggers. 27
  • Treatment of an Acute Episode. 27
  • Drug Therapy to Prevent Episodes. 28
  • Treatment of Cluster Headaches with Complementary Medicine. 29
  • Order Therapy and Cluster Headaches. 29
  • Migraine. 31
  • Metabolism and the Vegetative System.. 34
  • Migraine Patient Types. 36
  • Migraine-Equivalent Convulsive Diseases. 37
  • The Story of the Migraine Patient’s Life. 38
  • Early- and Late-Onset Migraine. 39
  • Focal Infections and Allergies. 40
  • The Intestinal Focus. 42
  • Migraine Forms and Types. 44
  • The Warning Phase (Prodromal Phase) 44
  • The Aura. 44
  • The Headache Phase of a Migraine. 45
  • The Regression Phase. 45
  • Migraines without an Aura. 45
  • Congenital Hemiplegic Migraine. 46
  • Sporadic Hemiplegic Migraine. 46
  • Basilar Migraine. 46
  • Vestibular Migraine. 46
  • Retinal Migraine. 46
  • Menstrual Migraine. 47
  • Complications of Migraine. 48
  • Chronic Migraine. 48
  • Status Migrainosus. 48
  • Migraine Infarction. 48
  • Migralepsy. 48
  • Visual Snow.. 48
  • The Epidemiology of Migraine. 50
  • Diagnosis of Migraine. 51
  • Scientific Studies on the Cause and Development of Migraines. 52
  • The Vascular Hypothesis. 52
  • The Hyperexcitability Hypothesis. 53
  • Hereditary Migraine. 53
  • The Hypothesis of Metabolic Poisoning as a Cause of Migraine. 54
  • Metabolism and Migraine from Today’s Perspective. 60
  • Food Allergies, Food Intolerances and Migraines. 63
  • The Influence of a Sick Intestine on the Brain, the “Gut-Brain Axis”. 65
  • Heavy Metal Poisoning and Migraines. 67
  • Lack of Sleep as a Contributing Factor to Migraine. 68
  • Studies on Migraine Triggers. 69
  • Official Drug Therapy for Migraines. 70
  • Acute Treatment of Migraine Episodes. 70
  • Official Drug Interval Therapy. 74
  • Drug Therapy for Migraines in Children. 75
  • Drug Therapy for Migraines during Pregnancy. 75
  • Homoeopathic Therapy for Migraines. 76
  • Primary and Secondary Effects. 78
  • The Gate Control Theory. 80
  • Acupuncture. 81
  • Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) 81
  • Progressive Muscle Relaxation according to Jacobson. 81
  • Connective Tissue Massage. 81
  • Autogenic Training. 82
  • Neural Therapy according to Huneke. 82
  • Non-Invasive Stimulation of the Vagus Nerve. 83
  • Order Therapy as Migraine Prophylaxis and Treatment 84
  • Dietetic Therapy. 84
  • Time Order, Exercise, Rest, Movement, Water Applications. 87
  • Drugs during the Causal Therapy. 87
  • Mental Care for the Migraine Patient 88
  • What to Do in Case of Migraine Episodes. 90
  • Examples of Migraine Treatment 92
  • Case 1. 92
  • Case 2. 93
  • Case 3. 93
  • Case 4. 93
  • Case 5. 94
  • Case 6. 94
  • Case 7. 94
  • Case 8. 95
  • Prevention of Migraines. 96
  • MENU.. 97
  • Fasting. 97
  • Tea Fasting and Juice Fasting. 97
  • Juice Fasting. 97
  • Fruit Fasting Days. 98
  • Special Forms of Fruit Fasting. 99
  • Raw Food. 100
  • Classification of the Raw Food Menu according to the Season. 100
  • Single Food. 102
  • Curative Diet for Migraine Patients – Menu for the Permanent Diet 103
  • Low Fat Diet 103
  • Fat free Diet 104
  • Diet for Constipation. 105
  • Diet for Diarrhoea. 105
  • Vegan Diet 106
  • Salt-Free Diet 107
  • Recipes. 109
  • Fresh Juices. 109
  • Fruit Juices. 109
  • Vegetable Juices. 109
  • Gruel Added to Juices. 110
  • Healthy Teas. 110
  • Bircher Muesli 111
  • Raw Vegetables and Salads. 116
  • Salad Dressings. 117
  • Milk Types. 123
  • Butter, Vegetable Fats and Oils. 126
  • Gentle Cooking and Steaming. 127
  • Eggs. 127
  • Quark and Cheese Dishes. 128
  • Soups. 131
  • Vegetables. 135
  • Salads of Cooked Vegetables. 144
  • Potato Dishes. 146
  • Cereal Dishes. 149
  • Sandwiches. 156
  • Basic Spreads. 156
  • Sauces. 157
  • Desserts. 158
  • Water Applications (Hydrotherapy) 158
  • Wrap. 158
  • Neck Gymnastics. 158
  • Posture Correction while Sitting against a Wall 158
  • Posture Correction while Standing. 158
  • Neck Exercises Sitting on a Stool or Chair 158
  • Turning the Head. 158
  • Torsional Exercise Turning the Head with Opposing Shoulder Movement 158
  • Isometric Training for Strengthening the Neck and Shoulder Muscles. 158
  • List of Recipes. 158
  • Notes. 158

Only the lucky few have never had a headache, never experienced that agonising sensation – never felt their enjoyment of life and their capacities suddenly reduced – except maybe for short moments when they had a cold. Modern man is intimately familiar with the various types of headaches, which come from the internal and external stress relating to work and social obligations. These are the result of our habit of violating our own nature: from turning night into day, from eating artificial and luxurious food in excess, and from constantly endeavouring to overcome fatigue and the lack of willingness to work, restlessness and exhaustion by using stimulants such as sugar, alcohol and coffee. We then turn to one of the many headache remedies and, once inside the labyrinth of our attempts at pain relief, lose sight of the true path to recovery.

There are different types of headache, and each can have different underlying causes and possible illnesses. Genuine and sustainable help requires examination and understanding of the sufferer as a whole individual, their body and their personality.

A dull pressure spreading along the forehead and temples, causing the eyes to be heavy and the mind to be slow, appears upon waking up in the morning and will refuse to give way until the painkillers, which have become an unfortunate habit, take effect. Otherwise the pressure will increase throughout the day and turn into a real, torturous pain drilling into the skull and rendering focused work impossible. In mild cases, the pain may dissolve at breakfast or soon after work commences. Severe cases will become unbearable and force the patient to return to bed or to have recourse to medication.

This is the kind of headache caused by metabolic overload, sluggish circulation, habitual use of stimulants, and degenerate, overabundant nutrition. Some diseases that cause headaches as typical adverse effects or as warning signals can illustrate the close connection between headaches and the general health condition. As always with illness and health, we must consider the person rather than just the symptoms of the illness. Any complaint, including a headache, has a deeper cause in the sum total of the disturbances in the body and the emotions. Treatment and lifestyle must take these deeper causes into account.

Bircher-Benner 19 Manual for patients with hypertension, cardiovascular disease and arteriosclerosis

Bircher-Benner manual 19 for patients with hypertension, cardiovascular disease and arteriosclerosis

Dietary instructions for prevention and healing, with recipes, detailed advice and a treatment plan from a medical centre for state-of-the- art healing.

This manual is based on wide experience in the treatment of patients who suffered from cardiovascular diseases and, were still possible, were healed by Bircher-Benner’s order therapy. Former editions have been supplemented with many references and insights from clinical, epidemiological and fundamental research. The dietetic section has also been slightly revised, without sacrificing the high quality Bircher’s recipes. For people who are willing to take the early signs and risk factors of cardiovascular disease seriously, and who wish to know how to prevent the disease from developing in order to avoid severe disability or death from heart attack or stroke, this book provides indispensable information and practical instruction.

Since its establishment by Dr. Maximilian Oscar Bircher-Benner, the order therapy and its healing effects for cardiovascular diseases have been observed carefully for more than an hundred years at the Bircher-Benner clinic and in private practices.
Throughout those years, the thousands of patients who succeeded in stopping the progression of their diseases were our greatest teachers. With a strong will to be healed, they successfully followed the instructions of the order therapy and enabled great insights to be made which are only now emerging in general medical research. Our experience that hypertension can be reversed by diet, and that arteriosclerosis can be reversed (even in coronary vessels) by long-term and careful application of our diet, has been proven scientifically and without objection for approximately two decades.

For a transition to a more healthful lifestyle, nutrition is of vital importance, It leads to regeneration of the large regulation system, a new opening towards the outer world and the inner self which permits the healing forces of the organism, body and soul to begin their work. To quote a section of Bircher-Benner’s book “Vom werden des neuen Arztes “(The Physician of the Future): The wonders of the soul remain closed
to those who continually ignore the laws of nutrition.
Power and depth of inner experiences depend on nutrition-this is the actual meaning of nutrition. Taking care of one’s body and nutrition is senseless unless a new development and awakening of inner powers results from it.

The entire order of life plays an important role, especially with regard to circulatory disorders. True healing is not possible without a basic deepening of knowledge about the sense of life, the orders of life, as well as the relationship to work, society, oneself and the people with whom we share our lives. The beginning of this path is the great question of responsibility towards others and oneself. It is a path that is well worth taking.
For the treating physician, this book is a great help in the instruction and support of his patients. Andres Bircher

  • Preface to the 17th edition
  • Introduction
  • The healthy heart, an astounding organ
  • The heart and its functions
  • The systemic circulation
  • The pulmonary circulation
  • The capillaries and the basic substance of the soft connective tissue
  • Degeneration and regeneration, and the obsolescence of calorie calculation
  • Arteriosclerosis, a widespread disease
  • The risk factors for cardiovascular diseases
  • The problem of small amount of alcohol
  • Oxidative stress, an important contributing cause
  • What precisely is arteriosclerosis and how does it develop?
  • The importance of fat metabolism, obesity and cholesterol
  • The importance of fatty acids
  • Saturated fatty acids
  • Unsaturated fatty acids
  • Monounsaturated fatty acids
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids
  • The pharmacological effect of the omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids
  • The suitable ratio between polyunsaturated fatty acids
  • The risk of oxidation of highly unsaturated oils
  • The problem of vegetable margarines, cream and butter
  • The importance of cholesterol
  • The cholesterol metabolism
  • The effect of nutrition on the cholesterol levels in the blood
  • Cholesterol metabolism disorder and gallstones
  • Cholesterol and coronary heart disease
  • The importance of proteins and amyloidosis
  • The importance of carbohydrates and sugar for arteriosclerosis
  • The importance of vegetarian nutrition int the prevention of coronary heart disease
  • The effect of almonds and nuts on arteriosclerosis
  • The effect of fruits and vegetables on arteriosclerosis
  • The antioxidative effect of vegetarian raw food, the importance of secondary plant
  • Substances
  • The importance of wholemeal cereals
  • Bircher-benner’s healing diet and order therapy
  • Hypertension
  • Blood pressure regulation
  • Pulmonary hypertension
  • Treatment of hypertension with medication
  • Angina pectoris
  • Stable angina pectoris
  • Unstable angina pectoris
  • Prevention and treatment of heart attack
  • Heart attack
  • The risk factors for heart attack
  • Caring for a heart attack victim
  • Complications of heart attack
  • Prevention of heart attack
  • Cardiac insufficiency or chronic heart failure
  • Dietary treatment of cardiac insufficiency
  • Heart valve defects
  • Mitral valve stenosis
  • Mitral insufficiency
  • Aortal valve stenosis
  • Aortic insufficiency
  • Pulmonary valve stenosis
  • Pulmonary valve insufficiency
  • Tricuspid valve stenosis
  • Tricuspid valve insufficiency
  • Inflammatory diseases of the heart
  • Myocarditis
  • Toxic myocardial damage
  • Autoimmune inflammation of the heart
  • The symptoms of myocarditis, treatment and prognosis
  • Endocarditis
  • Aneurysm
  • Aneurysm dissecans of the aorta
  • Aneurysms of the cerebral arteries
  • Stroke (apoplexy)
  • Renal artery stenosis
  • Carotid artery stenosis
  • Peripheral vascular disease (PVD)
  • Arrhythmia
  • Supraventricular extrasystoles
  • Ventricular extrasystoles
  • Atrial flutter and atrial fibrillation (absolute arrhythmia)
  • Tachycardia
  • Inflammation of the arteries
  • Vasculitis
  • Regulative treatments of naturopathic healing for cardiovascular patients
  • Climate therapy and terrain treatments
  • Hydrotherapy
  • Classical homeopathic treatment
  • The new scientific acupuncture
  • Neural therapy
  • General directives for the treatment and prevention of arteriosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases
  • The healing regime
  • Secondary plant substances
  • Menu
  • Menu for various raw food regimes
  • 1. Fresh Juice Fasting (bed/juice day)
  • 2. Full Juice Day
  • 3. Fruit Fasting Days
  • 4. Raw Vegetable Menus (for stage-2 diet)
  • Daily menu
  • The Recipes
  • Fruit Juices
  • Vegetable Juices
  • Potato Juices
  • Gruel to Accompany Juices
  • Birchermuesli
  • Sprouted cereal grains
  • Linomel muesli according to Dr. Johanna Budwig
  • Raw vegetables and salads
  • Salads dressings
  • Table for Choosing Suitable Salad Dressings
  • Milk Types
  • Plant fats, oils and butter
  • Gentle cooking and steaming/sauténing
  • Soups
  • Vegetables
  • Salads of cooked vegetables
  • Potato dishes
  • Cereal Dishes
  • Sauces
  • Sandwiches
  • Desserts
  • Table for Raw Food Diet
  • Healthful teas
  • Recipes
  • Notes
  • Index

This manual is based on the knowledge and decades of experience of a medical centre of state-of-the-art healing, the globally renowned Bircher-Benner-Klinik, now called the Centre for Scientific Natural Medicine Bircher-Benner. This manual is a great help for patients in that it supports their active contribution to the healing and prevention of disease. It gives patients insight into the scientific basis and causes of their disease, and provides valuable instructions for dietetics, care and physical applications. The manual explains dietetics in a gradual manner-ready for simple, practical applications-and provides tasty, diverse, tried-and-tested diet recipes from the Bircher-Benner-Klinik. For the doctor, this book is a great time saver and valuable aid in guiding patients

About the Autor

Dr. med. Andres Bircher grandson of Maximilian Bircher-Benner.

Medical studies in Zürich and Geneva, ten years practice as a hospital physician in anaesthesiology, intensive care, emergency medicine, surgery, paediatrics, psychosomatics, haematology, geriatrics, psychiatry and psychotherapy, medical specialist(Facharzt) in an administrative position at Zürich university hospitals, teaching analysis with Brian Kenny, chief physician (Chefarzt) of a hospital for internal medicine in Zurich and later in Western Switzerland, medical specialist (Facharzt) in TCM and acupuncturist in Vienna; studies of neural therapy, manual therapy and traditional homeopathy, successful completion of medical specialist (Facharzt) training in balneology, climatology and physical medicine in Germany, scientific work on food energies, dietetics and the effects of regulatory medicine.

Dr. med. Andres Bircher is the medical manager of the Centre for Scientific Natural Medicine Bircher-Benner.

Bircher-Benner manual 21 for Patients with Skin Diseases or sensitive Skin

Bircher-Benner manual 21 for patients with skin diseases or sensitive skin

The skin is the mirror of health. Skin diseases are internal diseases.

Beautiful skin is more than just a matter of aesthetics. First and foremost it is a matter of health. In full health, a body will preserve its harmonious natural shape into old age, without any abnormal fat deposits – flabby, bloated tissue and the nodular deposits under the skin – commonly known as “cellulite” and without varicose veins. Muscles remain elastic, the posture upright, the gait smooth, light and free, and the skin stays warm and well-supplied with blood.

What is visible on the outside is reflected on the inside as well. The skin is a mirror of our health – our most visible organ. It keeps track of our lives and provides a record of our health. Our traumas, mind, fears, hardness, anger and kindness are engraved upon the skin as if it were a book of our life, the individual chapters a thousand wrinkles and folds which give our faces their character and make them unique. Skin that is fresh and rosy with adequate blood supply will radiate life and friendliness. If it is pale it speaks of anaemia, weakness and exhaustion. A yellow tint shows that the metabolism, and specifically the liver, is overloaded and ill. A grey shade reflects poisoning and bitterness. Impure skin indicates disease, a sick intestine, a sick metabolism, a sick immune system.

Few skin diseases are inherited, although some can be. Neurodermatitis and psoriasis may occur in families, and much research has been done to find their genetic causes. Modern genetics increasingly finds inheritable factors in acquired traits, i.e. a congenital background of the expressivity of genes without any modification to the sequence of the base gene pairs. Epidemiological studies have revealed an impressive correlation between the diet of parents and the incidence of diabetes or cardiovascular disease in their children. Though recent studies reflect examples of epigenetic inheritance in various model organisms, researchers do not yet understand the underlying molecular mechanisms. An individual’s genetic predisposition will determine how well foreign substances can penetrate barriers such as their skin, and how their immune system reacts to stimuli from the environment and the consequences thereof. In contrast to some hereditary diseases, allergic diseases are not caused by a single, altered gene. Instead, a complex interaction of various genetic factors in different areas of the genetic material and in different genes comes into play. Neurodermatitis is clinically similar to the scabies mite disease, but without any mites. Psoriasis is similar to a fungal infection, but without the presence of fungus. These are indications of epigenetic inheritance of the aforementioned diseases.

Neurodermatitis is also called atopy (from the ancient Greek ατοπíα, atopía, “placelessness”). Medically, atopy means a tendency to develop hypersensitivity reactions, specifically allergic reactions to contact with otherwise harmless substances from the environment. The epigenetic inheritance of atopy has become the focus of interest in modern genetic research.

With psoriasis, the disease has penetrated more deeply. Autoimmune reactions are active, i.e. reactions of the immune system against structures of the skin. The immune cells, or lymphocytes, are formed in the bone marrow before migrating to the gigantic intestinal mucosa. The intestine relays extremely close contact between foreign substances and the body’s own tissue. This is where the lymphocytes, as dendritic cells, learn to distinguish between foreign and own materials. Only 10% of lymphocytes reach full immunocompetence and migrate into the body to do their work there; the others are eliminated. Autoimmune diseases develop when the intestinal milieu is ill from intestinal malcolonisation and a damaged mucosal barrier. They are caused by an improper diet in relation to our biological system. Incompetent lymphocytes enter the body and react to the body’s own tissue. This is a very important partial cause of psoriasis. Exposure to heavy metals and other toxins has been shown to be another partial cause in addition to epigenetic inheritance.

Patients suffer greatly under neurodermatitis, and those with psoriasis suffer nearly as much. Patients have already experienced the disappointment of therapies that merely suppress their symptoms. They have learned that such therapies only make the disease chronic. Both diseases can be cured by addressing the causes through strict detoxification, a healing diet of fresh plant-based food and a new order of life, all customised for the patient after allergy testing. Homoeopathy alone cannot cure such diseases. However, it may erase the epigenetic hereditary component of neurodermatitis and psoriasis step by step if individually and precisely adjusted to the patient, and at gradually increased potency. Diet and lifestyle are also of vital importance for other skin diseases.

Treatment of the causes, rather than suppression of symptoms, is decisive for the healing of skin diseases. This is a path that requires detailed understanding from the patient and their doctor, a joint path which can turn out to be very profitable.

Our greatest teachers are the patients who have been healed over the course of more than a century by our fresh plant-based diet, by a new order of life and by the attentive psychological support at the famous Bircher-Benner Medical Centre in Zurich (now the medical centre in Braunwald). This manual provides patients and relatives with the knowledge and practical instructions needed to successfully and permanently cure skin diseases. For the treating physician, this manual is an important aid in the instruction and guidance of patients.

May 2022
Dr. med. Andres Bircher

  • Preface. 10
  • Our Skin Reflects Our Health. 12
  • Skin Structure. 19
  • The Epidermis. 19
  • The Dermis. 19
  • The Subcutis. 19
  • Innervation of the Skin, the Miracle of Sensitivity. 20
  • Cutivisceral Reflexes and Dermatomes. 22
  • Transferred Pain. 23
  • Respiration of the Skin (Perspiration) 24
  • Sweat Glands (Glandula Sudorifera) 25
  • The Sebaceous Glands (Glandula Sebacea) 26
  • The Skin Flora. 27
  • Resident Flora or Normal Flora. 27
  • Transient Colonisation. 28
  • The Acid Mantle of the Skin. 28
  • Moisture and Dryness of the Skin. 28
  • Skin Zones with Particularly High Fat Content 29
  • The Immune System and the Skin. 30
  • The Innate, Non-Specific Immune Response. 30
  • The Cells of the Specific Immune Defence. 32
  • Antibodies. 33
  • Maturing and Ageing of the Immune System.. 34
  • Excessive Immune Response. 35
  • Autoimmune Disorders. 35
  • Treatment of the Causes of Immunodeficiency and Overreaction. 36
  • Infectious Diseases of the Skin. 38
  • Bacterial Infections. 38
  • Pyoderma. 38
  • Acne. 39
  • Rosacea. 43
  • Furunculosis. 46
  • Erythema Migrans, Lyme Disease. 46
  • Atheroma. 47
  • Skin Tuberculosis (Lupus Vulgaris) 48
  • Herpes Simplex. 48
  • Chickenpox (Varicella) 49
  • Herpes Zoster (Shingles) 49
  • Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus. 49
  • Fungal Infections of the Skin (Dermatomycoses) 50
  • Exanthema. 52
  • Eczema. 53
  • The Acute Stage. 53
  • The Chronic Stage. 53
  • Special Forms of Eczema. 53
  • Complications of Eczema. 55
  • Hives (Urticaria) 56
  • Triggers of Urticaria. 56
  • Chronic Urticaria. 56
  • Urticaria Factitia. 56
  • Rare Forms of Urticaria. 57
  • Heavy-Metal Exposure as a Cause of Urticaria. 57
  • Treatment of Urticaria. 57
  • Treatment of Urticaria through Treatment of Its Causes. 57
  • Neurodermatitis (Atopic Eczema) 59
  • Causes of Neurodermatitis. 59
  • Immunological Processes. 60
  • Vitamin D Deficiency. 61
  • Vitamin E. 61
  • Vitamin B12. 61
  • The Milieu and Microbiome in the Intestine Are the Most Important Causes of Neurodermatitis  62
  • Causes in the Nervous System and in the Hormonal System.. 63
  • The Disturbed Circadian Rhythm as a Contributing Cause of Neurodermatitis. 63
  • Environmental Factors as a Cause of Neurodermatitis. 63
  • Heavy-Metal Exposure and Neurodermatitis. 63
  • Diet and Neurodermatitis. 63
  • Provocation Factors. 65
  • Complications of Neurodermatitis. 66
  • Special Forms of Neurodermatitis. 66
  • Concomitant Symptoms of Neurodermatitis. 66
  • Psychological Consequences of Neurodermatitis. 66
  • Treatment of Neurodermatitis. 67
  • Basic Care. 67
  • Treatment with Glucocorticoids (Corticosteroids) 68
  • Other Immunosuppressants. 73
  • Antihistamines. 74
  • Phototherapy and Climate Treatment 74
  • Spas. 75
  • Curing Neurodermatitis by Treating its Causes. 75
  • Homoeopathic Treatment of Neurodermatitis. 76
  • Psoriasis (Psoriasis Vulgaris) 78
  • The Epidemiology of Psoriasis. 78
  • Causes of Psoriasis. 78
  • Occurrences in the Skin and the Appearance of Psoriasis. 79
  • Involvement of Internal Organs in Psoriasis. 81
  • The Psychological Effect of Psoriasis. 82
  • Triggering and Aggravating Risk Factors of Psoriasis. 82
  • Common Treatment of Psoriasis. 83
  • Treatment of Psoriasis by Addressing its Causes. 88
  • Vitiligo. 93
  • The Common Treatment of Vitiligo. 93
  • Treatment of Vitiligo by Addressing its Causes. 94
  • Skin Warts. 95
  • The Role of the Immune System.. 95
  • Treatment of Warts. 97
  • Prevention of Warts. 99
  • Seborrhoeic Keratosis (Verruca Seborrhoica) 100
  • Treatment of Seborrhoeic Keratosis. 100
  • Actinic Keratosis. 101
  • Treatment of Actinic Keratosis. 101
  • Birthmarks (Nevus) 103
  • Lipoma. 105
  • Liposarcoma. 106
  • White Skin Cancer 107
  • Black Skin Cancer (Malignant Melanoma) 108
  • Heredity as a Contributing Cause of Malignant Melanoma. 109
  • Treatment of Malignant Melanoma. 109
  • Melanocarcinoma and Diet 110
  • Order Therapy for Skin Diseases. 113
  • The Diet 113
  • The Gut-Skin Axis and the Gut-Brain Axis. 114
  • The Problem of Food Energy. 115
  • Two Kinds of Food Energy. 115
  • The Basic Regulation of the Soft Connective Tissue (Matrix) 117
  • The Integral Law of Nutrition. 119
  • Vibrancy of Food. 119
  • The Meaning of Food Economy. 119
  • Secondary Plant Substances (Phytochemicals) 120
  • Nutritive Stimulus. 121
  • The Meaning of Movement 121
  • The Meaning of the Climate. 121
  • The Meaning of Sleep. 122
  • The Meaning Skin Care. 122
  • The Water Treatments. 123
  • General Guidelines for Order Therapy. 125
  • Treatment Plans and Menus. 128
  • Diet Stage I: the Fresh Juice and Almond Milk Diet 128
  • Diet Stage II: the Vegan Raw Food Diet 128
  • Diet Stage III: the Vegan, Wheat-Free and Yeast-Free Diet with 1⁄3 Warm Wholefood. 128
  • Diet Stage IV: the Lacto-Vegetarian Wholefood Diet 128
  • Notes on Diet Stage I 129
  • Possible Reactions during Diet Stage I, the Pure Fresh Juice and Almond Milk Diet and Their Treatment 129
  • Diet Plan for Diet Stage I 130
  • Mixed Juices. 130
  • Recipes. 140
  • Fresh Juices. 140
  • Vegetable Juices. 140
  • Healthy Teas. 141
  • Bircher Muesli 143
  • Sprouted Cereal Grains. 145
  • Raw Vegetables and Salads. 145
  • Salad Dressings. 146
  • Mayonnaise. 148
  • Raw Vegetables and Accompanying Dressings. 148
  • Suggestions for Dressings to go with Salads and Raw Vegetables. 149
  • Milk Types. 151
  • Butter, Vegetable Fats and Oils. 152
  • Gentle Cooking and Steaming. 153
  • Soups. 153
  • Vegetables. 158
  • Salad of Cooked Vegetables. 167
  • Potato Dishes. 169
  • Grain Dishes. 173
  • Sauces. 178
  • Sandwiches. 181
  • Basic Spreads. 181
  • Desserts. 182
  • List of Recipes and Treatment  Plans. 189
  • Notes. 190

The skin is the mirror of health. Skin diseases are internal diseases. If you understand the causes, you can cure them permanently. This book, written by authors from the famous Bircher-Benner Clinic, explains in detail the causes of each skin disease based on the latest scientific research and how it can be permanently cured. It explains all the therapeutic possibilities of classical medicine and scientific naturopathy. Dietetics is explained in progressive stages, ready for practical application:  A must for anyone suffering from a skin disease. For the doctor, this book is a great help and saves time when guiding his patients.

Bircher-Benner manual 24 of dementia and Alzheimer's desease

Bircher-Benner manual 24 of dementia and Alzheimer's desease

Dietary instructions for their prevention and healing, with recipes, detailed advice and a treatment plan from a medical centre dedicated to state-of-the-art healing.

To understand the causes of Alzheimer’s dementia and other neurodegenerative diseases, to the extent to which that they are known today, it is important to have some basic knowledge regarding the construction and function of the central nervous system. In fact, multiple sclerosis may attack and damage the central nervous system anywhere. Therefore its forms are very diverse. Parkinson’s disease by contrast has a much more consistent course, since the Nucleus niger, a pigmented core of the basal ganglia of the brain, is alwaysat the centre of destruction by synuclein here, degenerating before dementia becomes evident. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis also follows a typical course, since it almost exclusively affects the motoric nerve pathways that are responsible for muscle strength and action and therefore causes increasing paralysis. Vascular dementia shows a different appearance and is usually associated with paralysis corresponding to the location of the vascular occlusions or bleeding. Alzheimer’s dementia generally occurs in the entire brain, with the hippocampus and limbic system being particularly affected at first.

These are particularly important for memory. Multiple system atrophy (MSA) takes a particularly quick and tragic course. The dege-nerative progresses also affect the entire brain. The explanations concerning some of the anatomical and functional situations in the central nervous system help to reveal the causes of these diseases and enable every sensible patient and his family to actively contribute in preventing and healing multiple sclerosis , to the extent this is still possible. This is a very rewarding undertaking.

  • Preface
  • Introduction
  • The structure of the central nervous system
  • The cerebrum
  • The cerebellum
  • The pons
  • The basal ganglia
  • The thalamic nucleus
  • The substantia nigra
  • The limbic system
  • The motor pathways
  • The sensitive tracks
  • The hormone-producing glands of the brain
  • The posterior pituitary (neurohypophysis)
  • The epiphysis and melatonin
  • The nerve cell (neuron)
  • The potential for action
  • The synapses
  • Inhibiting messenger substances
  • The importance of the glial cells in the brain
  • The spaces of the brain and the fluid in the brain and spinal cord
  • The blood-brain barrier
  • The myelin marrow sheaths – a sensitive substance
  • Demyelinating diseases
  • Remyelination
  • Diseases from storage of degenerative proteins
  • The TAU proteins
  • Amyloidosis
  • The effect of nutrition on the central nervous system
  • Two kinds of food energy
  • The basic regulation system of the soft connective tissue in the
  • central nervous system
  • Oxidative stress at the centre of the causes of neurodegenerative diseases
  • The influence of environmental stress from pollutants as the
  • cause of neuro generative diseases
  • The neurotoxic effect of mercury
  • Organic tin compounds and neurodegeneration
  • Chlorine and neurodegenerative diseases
  • The neurotoxic effect of volatile organic hydrocarbons
  • Pesticides and neurodegenerative diseases
  • Wood-protection agents and neurodegenerative diseases
  • Neurotoxic medicines and neurodegeneration
  • Legal and prohibited drugs and neurodegenerative diseases
  • Cannabis
  • Amphetamines
  • LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide)
  • Heroin, morphine, other opiates
  • Cocaine
  • Nicotine
  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine
  • Regarding the phenomenon of primary and secondary effects
  • and the danger of polypragmasia from medication
  • The combined effect of harmful neurotoxic substances
  • Vitamins, trace elements and neuro degenerative disease
  • The diversity of causes of neuro degenerative diseases
  • The various types of neurodegenerative diseases
  • Systematic overview of neuro degenerative diseases
  • Dementia
  • Diagnosis of dementia
  • Forms of dementia
  • Dementia becomes more and more frequent
  • Officially accepted risk factors of dementia
  • The symptoms of dementia
  • Diagnosis of dementia
  • Notes on care and nursing for persons suffering from dementia
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Causes of Alzheimer’s disease
  • What happens in the brain at Alzheimer’s disease
  • The symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease
  • The stages of the disease
  • Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease
  • Not every memory loss in old age is equivalent to Alzheimer’s disease
  • The early and medium stages of Alzheimer’s disease
  • The later stage of Alzheimer’s disease
  • Change of character by Alzheimer’s disease
  • Physical deterioration of patients with Alzheimer’s disease
  • Life expectancy at Alzheimer’s disease
  • Prophylaxis and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
  • The officially recognised risk factors of Alzheimer’s disease
  • Order therapy for Alzheimer’s disease
  • Dietary treatment of neurodegenerative diseases
  • Lab control recommendations for the attending physician during the diet
  • Practical application of the raw food therapy
  • Menus
  • Daily Menu
  • The Recipes
  • Juices
  • Bircher muesli
  • Fruit and fresh grain dishes
  • Chilled soups
  • Milk types
  • Raw vegetables and salads
  • Salad dressings
  • Suggestions for dressings to go with the salads and raw vegetables
  • Cooked food
  • Recipes for cooked food
  • Vegetables
  • Salads of cooked vegetables
  • Potato dishes
  • Cereal dishes
  • Sauces
  • Sandwiches
  • Desserts
  • Recipes
  • Notes
  • Index

Manual for prevention of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

This manual is based on the knowledge and decades of experience of a medical centre of state-of-the-art healing, the globally renowned Bircher-Benner-Klinik, now called the Centre for Scientific Natural Medicine Bircher-Benner. This manual is a great help for patients in that it supports their active contribution to the healing and prevention of disease. It gives patients insight into the scientific basis and causes of their disease, and provides valuable instructions for dietetics, care and physical applications. The manual explains dietetics in a gradual manner- ready for simple, practical applications- and provides tasty, diverse, tried-and-tested diet recipes from the Bircher-Benner-Klinik. For the doctor, this book is a great time saver and a valuable aid in guiding patients.

Bircher-Benner 26 Manual for treatment of weight problems, overweight and anorexia

Bircher-Benner manual 26 for treatment of weight problems, overweight and anorexia

This manual is based on a wealth of experience in the treatment of patients suffering from overweight, obesity, underweight, anorexia nervosa and eating disorders. Preservation of the slender body shape is more than mere aesthetics. First and foremost it is a matter of health. In good health, a body will preserve its harmonious, natural shape into old age, without any abnormal fat deposits, flabby, bloated tissues – the nodular deposits under the skin, commonly known as “cellulite” – or without varicose veins. Muscles will remain elastic, the posture upright, the gait smooth, light and free. The skin will stay warm and well-supplied with blood.

What is visible on the outside is reflected on the inside. The generally widespread malnutrition overloads the metabolism. Degenerated, modified proteins (amyloids), oxidised lipids and other degenerated and modified substances, as well as toxins that are formed by anaerobic bacteria in pathological intestinal flora and that the metabolism cannot handle and detoxify, deposit in the intercellular substance of the soft connective tissue, the “matrix” that penetrates the entire and body and that is cleansed and drained by the lymph. The matrix is also our basic regulatory system, reaching into all organs and through the entire body. It is where substances are exchanged between cells, blood capillaries and nerve endings.

If the matrix is filled by the slags from an overloaded metabolism, the metabolism and the flow of biological information are gradually and increasingly impaired. Acidity and oxidative stress harm the fine structures and organs, causing degenerative processes and premature aging to become predominant.

Frequently high blood sugar levels from a diet rich in sugar, bread, pasta and pastries made of refined flour damage the innermost lining of the vessels (endothelium). This fine layer of cells regulates the structure and elasticity of the entire vascular wall.

When damaged by a frequently high blood sugar level, the blood vessels become inelastic, leading to the development of hypertension and varicose veins.

Waste products accumulate around the capillaries, which are embedded in the matrix of the artery walls to supply them with blood, causing inflammation. Oxidised cholesterol, amyloids and calcium are deposited. Arterioscleros often sets in early this way. As a result, people suffer the disastrous conditions of heart attack or stroke at increasingly young ages.

Highly oxidising metabolic waste products (reactive oxygen species, ROS) produce harmful fission products called “free radicals” in the tissues. Free radicals react so strongly that they may split genetic material (DNA), resulting in mutations that make healthy cells cancerous. Free radicals also damage proteins, making them insoluble and causing them to deposit as amyloids. In the matrix of the brain, this causes Alzheimer’s disease. If free radicals attack the fat-soluble structures of the nerve tracts (myelin), multiple sclerosis or other neurodegenerative diseases develop. If free radicals attack the retina and the lens in the eye, cataracts develop and blindness due to macular degeneration follows later in life.

Metabolic waste products cause diabetes and fatty degeneration of the liver (fatty liver), and they harm the kidneys. Malnutrition not only causes weight issues, but also premature aging in general. Obesity shortens life expectancy by an average of around 20 years

Strict fasting and calorie-reduced diets cannot fix the metabolic damage described above or the tissue damage already caused. Because of this, 80–90% of patients on a strictly calorie-reduced diet are unable to maintain a lower weight once it has been reached

The weight reduction diet described in this manual, with fresh plant-based raw food, fresh juices, vegetable milk and solid raw food has an entirely different effect. The diet allows reliable and long-term weight reduction over the course of months, finally reaching the ideal weight by reducing metabolic disorders and pathological deposits. This diet is easily digestible. Although calorie-reduced, it does not leave the patient hungry since it contains all substances they need in ideal proportions. This diet supplies neither too much nor too little of anything, with the exception of vitamin B12, which must be supplemented. Its high biological energy potential is clearly evident for the patients. The same applies to the pervasive healing process which is triggered by the diet.

Appetite and body weight are regulated by an extremely complex hormonal system acting on appetite centres in the hypothalamus of the diencephalon. The hormones are produced in part in the cells of the fatty tissue, in part in the digestive tract, the islet cells of the pancreas and in the muscles.

The status of the milieu in the digestive tract and the ecosystem of the bacterial flora quickly affect hormonal regulation in this diet, bringing about a lasting effect on appetite, energy balance and body weight. A sick enteral milieu, on the other hand, is unable to regulate appetite and weight.

Resistance to the hormones that regulate appetite and energy consumption, especially leptin and insulin, will develop to varying degrees depending on the degree of overweight. These substances act on the appetite centre in the hypothalamus of the brain. Overweight leads to resistance to these hormones, preventing the inhibition of appetite even in the face of excessive food intake. A feeling of fullness is only achieved when the stomach is overfilled and cannot take any more. The muscles also produce hormones to regulate body weight. These break down the fatty tissue of the abdominal wall and the internal organs in particular. They are formed insufficiently if there is a lack of exercise. For example, truncal obesity is caused by accumulation of fatty tissue in the intestines and abdominal wall. At least one hour of daily walking is necessary to prevent this.

Overweight people suffer severely from the insults and prejudices of others. They are often at a disadvantage in school, at work and in their private lives. They suffer injustice and as a result have low self-esteem and vital energy. This can cause enormous psychological damage that can only be healed by consistent, lasting reduction of body weight and adequate understanding in a therapeutic discussion.

The complex system of body weight regulation has not been fully explained scientifically so far. Those too thin by constitution without having any illness and despite their possessing a good appetite and eating healthily usually show a changed hormonal regulation of appetite that is entirely different from that found in anorexia nervosa.

People with constitutional anorexia often have gone through some unsuccessful high-calorie fattening diets. The regulating hormones have a paradoxical effect there. The reasons are not completely known to science yet. In these cases, fattening diets cause weight loss instead of weight gain. However, decades of experience show that those with constitutional anorexia can gain weight, in particular with the fresh plant-based raw food diet, and thereby reach their ideal weight. This suggests that the fresh plant-based raw food diet positively influences the disturbed hormonal regulation of appetite and body weight in both overweight and anorexia.

This is also the case with eating disorders such as binge eating, anorexia nervosa and bulimia. Ravenous hunger results from a diet with quickly digestible carbohydrates that are not composed correctly for the biological system. Every time the blood sugar level rises rapidly and steeply, after an eating bout, there will be high insulin release in response, causing hypoglycaemia and leading to the next episode of ravenous hunger. With its high proportion of fresh plant-based raw food, the plant-based wholefood diet leads to a slow increase of insulin, thereby reliably compensating for episodes of ravenous appetite and bouts of overeating.

Patients suffering from anorexia nervosa will gladly accept this type of whole food. They are grateful because their agonising feeling of fullness and bulimic episodes will quickly improve. Since the psychological causes are very deeply rooted, patients can heal only if therapy accompanies the diet to process psychological trauma that usually originates in very early childhood. The trauma must be brought to consciousness if the patients are to correct their eating habits.

Hormonal regulation is massively and specifically disturbed in anorexia nervosa. It is known that acute crises can be very dangerous, often requiring admission to a hospital with simultaneous intensive mental care, diet and life order adjustments. Unfortunately, knowledge of the relevance of the dietary part of treatment for this condition is still insufficient in most specialised hospitals.

Older people may also suffer from dangerous severe weight loss or anorexia. Their hormonal imbalance also follows a typical pattern that is very different from that in anorexia nervosa or constitutional thinness. Severe weight loss in old age is usually due to degenerative changes in the milieu of the digestive tract, unless caused by a chronic illness such as cancer. Weight loss is brought about by an unwholesome diet. Emaciating diseases such as chronic infections and cancer cause severe weakness and weight loss (cachexia) that cannot be remedied with fattening diets. In such situations, plant-based wholefood with a high proportion of fresh plant-based raw food is a great help.

The present manual is intended for comprehensive therapy; it is not directed against symptoms, but against the causes of illness. The manual discusses the scientific principles known today concerning the regulation of appetite, energy balance and body weight, as well as the resulting diseases. It also contains practical instructions for the dietary treatment of anorexia and overweight.

Our greatest teachers are the patients who over more than a century have been healed by our fresh plant-based raw food diet, by a new way of life and by careful psychological support at the famous Bircher-Benner Medical Centre in Zurich (now the Medical Centre in Braunwald). This manual provides patients and relatives with the knowledge and practical instructions needed to successfully and permanently cure problems relating to body weight and eating behaviour. For the treating physician, this manual is an important aid for the instruction and guidance of his patients.

  • Preface. 10
  • Assessment of Body Weight 15
  • Tables for Ideal Weight 17
  • The Ideal Weight of Adult Men. 17
  • The Ideal Weight of Adult Women. 19
  • Target Weight for the Dietary Treatment 21
  • Weight Table for Children. 21
  • Weight Table for Men. 25
  • Weight Table for Women. 27
  • Relevance of Body Weight for Health and Life Expectancy, Various Forms of Overweight 29
  • Abdominal Girth at the Waist 29
  • Neurobiological Control of Appetite, Energy Consumption, Hormone Levels and Growth  30
  • Satiation. 30
  • Hormones that Regulate Satiation and Energy Balance. 31
  • Changes in the Sense of Taste in Obesity and Anorexia Nervosa. 35
  • Emergency Regulation of Eating Behaviour 36
  • Complexity of Appetite, Body Weight and Energy Consumption Regulation. 37
  • Relevance of the Intestinal Milieu and the Intestinal Flora. 39
  • The Intestinal Flora in Underweight and Anorexia. 42
  • The Gut-Brain Axis. 46
  • Overweight and Obesity. 49
  • Causes of Obesity. 50
  • Genetic Factors. 50
  • Prenatal Factors. 50
  • Epigenetic Imprinting. 50
  • Prevention Begins in the Womb. 52
  • The Influence of Nutrition in Early Childhood. 53
  • Malnutrition and Lack of Exercise. 54
  • The Mitochondria, the Power Plants of the Cells. 56
  • The Influence of Food on the Blood Glucose Level and Health. 57
  • Glycaemic Index and Glycaemic Charge. 57
  • The Glycaemic Index (GI) 57
  • The Glycaemic Load (GL) 57
  • Oxidative Stress at the Centre of the Causes of Degenerative Diseases. 59
  • Food Energy. 62
  • The Problem of Food Energy. 62
  • Two Kinds of Food Energy. 63
  • The Basic Regulation of the Soft Connective Tissue (Matrix) 66
  • The Significance of Food Economy. 67
  • The Integral Law of Nutrition. 69
  • Vibrancy of Food. 70
  • Secondary Plant Substances (Phytochemicals) 71
  • The Significance of Movement 73
  • Sleep is Essential 74
  • The Relevance of the Emotions in Overweight and Eating Disorders. 75
  • Pregnancy and Body Weight 76
  • Secondary Diseases from Obesity. 77
  • Metabolic Syndrome, Obesity, Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus. 77
  • From Obesity to Diabetes Mellitus. 77
  • From Obesity to Hypertension and Cardiovascular Diseases. 78
  • The Metabolic Effects of Exercise and Rest 79
  • General Directives for Order Therapy for Obesity. 80
  • The Cornerstones of the Therapy. 80
  • Regarding the Diet 80
  • Fasting Reactions and their Treatment 83
  • The Weight Curve. 84
  • Typical Weight Curves. 84
  • Progress of Average Body Weight with Alternating Juice, Raw Food and Whole Food Diet According to Bircher 85
  • Cholesterol 85
  • Influence of Bircher’s Dietary Treatment on Serum Cholesterol in Obese People  85
  • Influence of Bircher’s Dietary Treatment for Obese People on Blood Pressure  86
  • Blood Pressure. 86
  • Eating Disorders, Binge Eating and Anorexia Nervosa. 88
  • Diagnostic Criteria of Anorexia Nervosa. 89
  • Treatment of Eating Disorders and Anorexia Nervosa. 95
  • Medical Consultation. 96
  • The Dietary Approach to Treatment of Eating Disorders and Anorexia Nervosa  96
  • Family Therapy. 97
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. 97
  • Group Therapy with the Parents. 98
  • In-patient Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa. 98
  • Nutritional Therapy for Bulimia Nervosa. 100
  • Psychoeducational Guidance of the Bulimic Patient 101
  • The Therapy Contract 101
  • Individual Therapy. 101
  • Constitutional Slimness. 104
  • Cachexia, Emaciation Caused by Severe Illness or Hunger 105
  • Diet to Counter Underweight, Anorexia Nervosa and Cachexia. 107
  • Infusion Therapy. 109
  • Implementation of the Diet 110
  • Treatment Plans for Weight Reduction. 110
  • General Rules for the First Week. 113
  • General Advice for One Year after Completion of the Treatment 113
  • Basic Forms of Diet for Overweight and Obesity. 115
  • Various Dietary Stages and their Use in Slimming. 115
  • Implementation of the Diet for Curing Underweight 117
  • Diet for Anorexia Nervosa. 117
  • The Diet for Constitutional Underweight 119
  • Diet in Advanced Age and in Case of Disease-related Cachexia. 120
  • Water Applications. 121
  • Spruce Needle Bath. 121
  • Long Light Bath. 121
  • Light Sweating Bath. 121
  • Hay Flower Bath or Hay Flower Thigh Bath. 121
  • Kuhne’s Friction Sitz Bath. 121
  • Arm Bath (according to Hauffe) 121
  • Alternating Foot Bath. 122
  • Treading Water 122
  • Alternating Warm Wash. 122
  • Alternating Shower 122
  • Dry Brushing. 122
  • Sun Bath. 122
  • Nutritional Values of Vegetables and Fruit by Nutritional Content 124
  • Vegetables. 124
  • Fruit 124
  • Menu. 125
  • Principles of Selection in Dietary Composition. 125
  • One Week for Each Month of the Year 126
  • One Week Diet to Maintain a Slim Figure. 126
  • January to March. 126
  • April to June. 127
  • July to September 128
  • October to December 128
  • A Week of Strict Diet to Maintain a Slim Figure. 129
  • Dietary Recipes for the Healthy, Slim Figure. 132
  • Preparatory Explanations for the Fresh Juice Diet 133
  • JUICES. 133
  • Fresh Juices. 133
  • Gruel to Added to Juices. 134
  • Vegetable Juices. 135
  • Very Easily Digestible Juice Recipes for Mixed Juices. 135
  • MILK TYPES. 143
  • Butter, health food store vegetable fats and oils. 144
  • SOUPS. 145
  • DESSERTS. 161
  • BEVERAGES. 165
  • Gymnastic Exercises to Maintain a Slender Line. 166
  • Training for the Spine and Trunk Muscles. 166
  • Training for Abdominal and Back Muscles. 166
  • Training for Shoulder Girdle and Chest 167
  • Training from the Shoulder Girdle Stance. 167
  • Training for the Elasticity of the Joints. 168
  • Appendix and Tables Diet for Weight Issues. 169
  • Calculated Daily Menus for the Diet (1,200‒2,100 calories) 169
  • Table of Glycaemic Index and Glycaemic Load. 186
  • List of Recipes and Treatment Plans. 192
  • NOTES. 193

Obesity and Anorexia can be permanently cured, not only be relieved. This manual is based on the knowledge and decades of experience from a medical centre of most modern healing arts, the world-famous Bircher-Benner Clinic, now called Centre for Scientific Natural Medicine. This manual is of great help for patients. It supports his active contribution on his way to the healing and prevention of obesity, bulimia and anorexia. It explains the newest scientific knowledge and the way to definitive cure of weight problems, and eating disorders. It gives to the patient an insight to the dietetics, care and physical applications. This book explains the dietetics in carefully tested diet plans, ready for practical use, and is equipped with tasty, tried, well tested and varied diet recipes from the Bircher-Benner Clinic. For the doctor, this book is a great time saver and a valuable aid in guiding his patients.

The Physician of the Future

The Physician of the Future

Dr. med. Max Bircher-Benner

When Maximilian Bircher-Benner completed this important work four decades of medical work, in which he had experienced and internalised the sufferings and biographies of tens of thousands and instructed and supported them on their way to healing, lay behind him. With scientific acumen and an outstanding ability to think independently of traditional opinions, he alway looked for truth. The rare gift of understanding his patients with intuition and sensitivity as well as with ingenious intellectual clarity made him a great doctor and pioneer of scientifically grounded natural medicine. Our modern medicine considers symptoms of disease enemies to be fought. Medical diagnoses are usually nothing but a description of symptoms. From there, the path usually goes right to medication or even surgery. Just as when Bircher-Benner wrote this book 70 Years ago, the patients who come to us for treatment today do not know why they got sick at all. A joint search for the cause usually still does not take place. Maximilian Bircher-Benner understood early that the symptoms are not always the disease, but the expression of an immense effort of the force of life to remove the present impairment of order in the biological system of the sick person. The doctor's view is focused on the healthy part of a person, his power of life and therapy that supports the power of healing. For many years, the global statistics of the WHO have proven that all chronic diseases are increasing in all countries where modern medicine is practiced. Chronic disease occurs where the biological system cannot find its way back out of the disorder that it has suffered. Repressing symptoms works against the healing effort of the biological system and thus against the force of life. The consistent increase of chronic diseases impressively documents that there is a "misunderstanding" between our current medical paradigm and human biology. Despite the genius of medical technology and pharmacology, our modern medicine has been unable to prevent and heal the most common diseases. More than 70 years ago, Maximilian Bircher-Benner already recognised this paradox and demandes a "new physician", a new medical approach, a new scientific paradigm, a change of thought for which the time has only now become ripe. This legacy should be bequeathed to every young physician along with the Hippocratic oath. It is a fascinating piece of work for all who are thinking and searching, who are unable to keep up with all developments of our modern medicine. It is a living book that keeps us enthralled.

Braunwald, April 2nd, 2014 Dr. med. Andres Bircher

Preface to the New Edition, 2014
Preface to the New Edition, 1989

Disposition-Childhood and youth experience as directing impulses Getting used to unceasing, varied work-Choice of Career
The wonder of life-Disappointment-Abstinence-Hypnosis and suggestion
The Needs of disease and the failure of therapy- Errors, lack of knowledge and how to overcome it
Nutrional value- Revaluation-Unhealthy from wrong nutrition-Nutritional diseases- Healing Regime
A biography overviw by Dr Ralph Bircher

This book by the ingenuous physician and pioneer of a scientifically based natural medicine is still highly relevant today. In his clinic, he has treated thousands of people from around the world to heal their chronic ailments considered incurable. It demonstrates the biographical path from a well-trained physician to a "new physician" who in every-day practice has recognized a totally new holistic view of a person, their biology and their soul. This is an ingenious point of view which leads the way out of the trap in which our medical world and health system find themselves today.